Volunteer Benefits

Volunteer BenefitsIn addition to our gratitude, we offer many benefits to our volunteers to thank them for their countless hours of dedicated time.
  • Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center volunteers receive a 30 percent discount in the cafeteria when wearing their name tag and a 20 percent discount in Lori’s Gifts, our hospital gift shop.  

  • Free flu shots are available during October and November.

  • Volunteers may join our Credit Union.

  • Volunteers may become members of the Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center Auxiliary.

  • Medical Center volunteers may join the Fitness Center at no charge.

  • Volunteers receive a volunteer uniform and a photo ID. Uniforms and photo IDs are to be cared for by the volunteer and returned when volunteer service ends.

  • Volunteers are permitted to park in employee parking areas. There is a map provided to illustrate further definition of permitted and unpermitted parking areas. Volunteers should feel free to use Valet parking.

  • Each Spring, Northern Maine Eastern Maine Medical Center holds a recognition event for volunteers. Service pins and certificates recognizing hours of service rendered to the medical center are awarded. The first award is issued when the volunteer has contributed 100 hours of service. At 3,000 hours, the volunteer's name is placed on the honor board in the main lobby.

  • Extraordinary volunteers who go above and beyond in their service may receive nomination for our annual Northern Light EMMC Larry Malone Luminary Award. Named after one of our incredible volunteers who passed away in February of 2020, our Larry Malone Luminary Award honors an individual who demonstrates extraordinary compassion, dedication, kindness, and generosity of spirit, helping to light the way for improved patient experience through their volunteer service.

  • Volunteers are welcome to check out material from the Hadley Parrot Medical Library, which contains both technical information and medical information for the consumer.

  • Medical screening requirements are provided free of charge. Written records of results are provided upon request.

  • Volunteer mileage is deductible on itemized income tax returns. To obtain a record of service, contact Volunteer Services Office.

Volunteer Services
PO Box 404 Bangor, ME 04401

Stacey Coventry, Director of Volunteer and Community Development

Katelyn Stoddard, Volunteer Coordinator