Volunteering at Eastern Maine Medical Center

Dash, the Therapy DogIn FY23, 211 volunteers donated over 14,000 hours of service across 62 service roles at the Medical Center.

These thoughtful community members donate their skills in clerical and administrative support, direct patient care and enrichment activities, and support tasks at the hospital on State Street; Northern Light Health Center, Union Street; at the Lafayette Family Cancer Institute in Brewer; and the community vaccination clinics at the Cross Center and Union Street Healthcare Mall.

We have many opportunities for you to help our patients and families. To see them, click "Volunteer Opportunities" below.

carecart.jpgClick here to check out our Care Cart program and learn how you can help support it!
Donate through our Wish List
All donations should be shipped directly to: 
Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center
ATTN: Volunteer Services
489 State Street
Bangor, ME 04401

Volunteer Services
PO Box 404 Bangor, ME 04401
Stacey Coventry, Director of Volunteer and Community Development Services

Katelyn Stoddard, Manager of Vounteer and Development

If you are 18 years or older and interested in becoming a volunteer at Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center, there are a few steps we need you to complete first. 

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We have many opportunities for caring members of our community to get involved and we are confident we will find the perfect one for you! 

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Interested in learning more about the different paths you can take in the medical field? Not sure where to start? We can help! We offer many opportunities for young individuals in the community to get involved and engage with medical professionals, helping determine if entering the medical field is right for them. Take a look at the opportunities we offer.

Career Exploration Field Trips

Career exploration field trips are designed to give students a well-rounded experience, offering insight into many different career paths found in the medical field. Healthcare panels, Sim Lab demos, and OR tours are just some of the experiences we provide during a Career Exploration field trip. If you are interested in having your students participate, please fill out the form below.


Please note, spots are limited. Form must be completed by an educational professional. To learn more about Career Exploration Filed trips contact Katelyn Stoddard, Volunteer & Development Manager, at kstoddard@northernlight.org or 207.973.7850. 

Career Exploration Fair

There are countless pathways into the healthcare field. As the second largest hospital in Maine, we are proud to be home to hundreds of different career opportunities and specialties, some of which students may not be aware even exist. To support educating the future generation of healthcare workers, we host Career Exploration Fairs where dozens of departments come together to feature what a career with them may look like. These hands-on events are open to all local high school students, as well as educators and school administrators. To learn more about the next event, please contact Katelyn Stoddard, Volunteer & Development Manager, at kstoddard@northernlight.org

If you would like to sign up for the next Career Exploration Fair, please follow the link below.

Northern Light EMMC Career Exploration Fair (office.com)

Observational Experiences

We are proud to offer high school students (16 or older) and undergraduate university students opportunities to explore careers in healthcare. Follow the link below to learn more about observational opportunities offered at the medical center.


For questions about observations, please contact Katelyn Stoddard, Volunteer & Development manager, at kstoddard@northernlight.org or 207.973.7850.

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​Are you a high school student interested in exploring a career in healthcare… but not sure exactly what? Join us at EMMC to learn about all aspects of a hospital and the careers that come along with it!

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Volunteer Benefits

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