Surgical Robot Technology
Robotic-assisted surgery: the future is here.
If you aren't familiar with robotic-assisted surgery, you may be asking yourself a question we hear frequently, “Will a robot be operating on me?” We're happy you asked! The truth is, it is Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center's board-certified surgeons who are performing the operation – not the robot. Your surgeon is in the room at all times and you can rest assured it is their skilled hands that are controlling every movement of the robot.
Since 2005, Eastern Maine Medical Center has been a leader in robotic surgery. Designated as the nation's first general and bariatric surgery robotic epicenter by Intuitive, the sole maker of the DaVinci Surgical System, surgeons from across the globe come to epicenter hospitals like ours to learn this advanced surgery from our experts, your trusted surgeons.
Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center recently further expanded our robotic offerings by upgrading our fleet of surgical robots to include the most recent technology, the DaVinci Xi. In addition, we are the only hospital in Maine leading the way with four surgical robots, offering easy access, close to home, for our patients. This makes Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center home to the largest surgical robot program in the State of Maine.
If you are considering a minimally-invasive procedure, speak with your doctor to see if robotic surgery may be right for you.
In July 2022, Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center achieved a Center of Excellence in accreditation from Surgical Review Corporation in Robotic Surgery for hernia, heartburn, and bariatric surgery.
Ours is the first facility in Maine to hold the designation, which means that our robotic surgical team passed rigorous inspections, meeting internationally recognized standards in surgical quality and safety in these areas. Learn more.