For Visiting Family and Friends

Thank you for taking the time to visit your loved one during their stay at Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center. Visits from family and friends are an important part of the recovery process.

Learn about our visitation policy and what to expect when you come to see us.

On some units, visiting hours vary depending on patients' special needs. We ask that you limit visits to allow sufficient time for patients to rest and heal and for our staff to take care of their needs. Please check with the nurse if you have questions. Youngsters who do visit a hospitalized family member are often screened for infectious illnesses before they are permitted in patients' rooms. Please be aware that patients have a right to request a restricted status. If a patient makes this request, Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center may not confirm the patient's presence in our facility, or accept mail, flowers, or phone calls on his or her behalf.
Visitors are invited to use the parking garage, accessible either from the State Street emergency entrance or the main driveway. The exit from the garage is at ground level. There is no exit onto State Street. Parking is free. Ground level parking is also available for visitors on the river side of the driveway. Look for blue signs directing you to patient and visitor parking. Our Valet Parking services have been suspended to keep everyone safe at this time.
Patient Experience and Relations
The Patient Experience and Relations Department is here to help families with any unresolved questions, special needs, problems, or complaints.
If you have concerns that our patient care staff is unable to address, please call Patient Relations at 973-8110. The office is open from 8:30 am until 5 pm, Monday through Friday. If you have an urgent concern during non-business hours, please let a member of the patient's care team know.