Mission, Vision, and Guiding Principles
Mission Statement:
We will provide and teach comprehensive, cost-effective, and compassionate health care while contributing to the leadership, greater knowledge and impact of our profession.
Guiding principles:
- Lifelong learning in a supportive and respectful environment that accentuates inter-professional collaboration and patient safety.
- Relationships as the foundation of Family Medicine underscoring the importance of continuity in the physician-patient relationship.
- Service to individuals, families, and our community, especially the underserved, as we strive to address healthcare disparities.
- Practice of evidenced based medicine, focusing on prevention where possible, and chronic disease management where appropriate.
- Contribution to quality improvement, research and publication through fostering an atmosphere of curiosity and inquisitiveness.
Vision Statement:
To be recognized as a center for excellence in the training of quality family physicians with knowledge, skills and compassion necessary for a full spectrum of practice and leadership in a variety of settings. To facilitate the goal of providing primary care to all underserved areas in the State of Maine.