How to apply

The School of Medical Laboratory Science seeks student applicants who:

  • Demonstrate familiarity with clinical laboratory science
  • Match personal attributes with those required for practice of clinical laboratory science

Applicants must demonstrate a capacity for academic achievement:

  • Minimum Cumulative Math/Science GPA of 2.5
  • Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5
    • A minimum grade of “C” is required in BIO 100 and BIO 208

 Desirable Attributes of Applicants:

  • Logical thought processes facilitating problem solving
  • Attention to detail and instructions
  • Strong communication skills, written and oral
  • Professional demeanor
    • Dependability and a sense of responsibility
    • Integrity and maturity
    • Ability to react appropriately and to maintain poise and control under stressful conditions
  • Career aspirations
  • Manual dexterity
  • Ability to multitask

Academic Requirements

Each year, the School of Medical Laboratory Science accepts up to eight students among college undergraduates and graduates with a Bachelor’s degree in the sciences. To apply, you must meet one of the following two criteria:
1. Completion of three years in the Medical Laboratory Science program at the University of Maine
These students are on track to complete a degree in Medical Laboratory Science and will earn their final 32 credit hours toward a bachelor’s degree in our program.

2. A bachelor’s degree in:

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Microbiology
  • A related science
The degree must have included the following coursework:

Chemistry: 16 credit hours

  • General Chemistry I and II (Lecture and Lab)
  • Biochemistry or Organic Chemistry

Biology: 16 credit hours

  • General Biology
  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • Microbiology
  • Immunology (Lab not required)
  • Genetics and parasitology are recommended


  • One course in college mathematics including precalculus or calculus. Statistics is strongly recommended but not required.

Selection Process

  • When all of the application materials items have been submitted, the applicant’s academic qualifications are evaluated.
    • Official transcripts
    • Two letters of recommendation
      • Letters will be reviewed prior to selecting a candidate for an interview.
    • $50 non-refundable application fee
  • Applicants meeting the criteria may be contacted to make an appointment for a personal interview. Please note that meeting the minimum criteria does not guarantee an interview.
  • If you are contacted, a personal face-to-face onsite interview is required.
  • It is the responsibility of the applicant to see that the deadline for submitting the application and other application materials is met.
  • After the interview, each applicant who has completed the process will be scored on non- academic characteristics, using information gathered from the application form and interview.
  • Acceptable applicants will be ranked and selected in order of their total scores.

The Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical School of Medical Laboratory Science admits students without regard to age, race, religion, marital status, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, or veteran status provided they can perform the essential functions of the program with or without reasonable accommodation.

Non-Academic Requirements

 In addition to academic requirements, students must meet the following:

  • Documented proof of negative two-step TB test or Quantiferon Gold test within one year of the start of the program
  • Documented proof of appropriate immunizations for measles (Rubeola), mumps, German measles (Rubella), chicken pox (Varicella) and COVID-19
  • Documented proof of the DT (Diphtheria/Tetanus) or DTaP (Diphtheria/Tetanus/Polio) booster within the last 10 years
  • Documented proof of Hepatitis B immunization/immunity or signed waiver assuming the risk of exposure
  • Documented proof of the Influenza vaccine within the last year (can be completed during the clinical year)
  • Successful background check

Note: Proof of immunity can be demonstrated with vaccination records or by titers.

Program tuition is the responsibility of the student.  Tuition for the clinical year is based on the University of Maine credit hour rate for 32 credits. The tuition fee for the program is reviewed annually in the summer. The fee is billed in two installments, invoices for the first payment are mailed to the student the first week of September with payment due in 30 days.  The invoice for the second installment is billed in February and due in March.  Payment is made by the student to Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center.
Note: 4+1 students will pay the same rate of those students enrolled in the 3+1 program.
If a student withdraws from the program, the tuition will be prorated until two months into each semester.  After two months, no refunds will be given. Students that do not pay tuition within the agreed upon timeframe will no longer be eligible to participate in the program until such time as the tuition is paid.


  • Tuition: $6208/semester
  • Application Fee $50

Other Expenses:

  • Living expenses: housing, food, clothing
  • Supplies: scrubs, shoes, notebooks, etc
  • Textbooks, iClicker subscription-varies $600- $800
  • Health insurance and immunization fees

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