Outpatient Pediatrics
Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center Family Medicine Center and Residency provides ambulatory pediatric care at our clinic, with specialized clinic rooms tailored to our smallest patients. Pediatric care is a core component of full spectrum family medicine; as such, we have formed relationships with other clinics in the community to help bolster resident exposure; please see “Pediatrics at PCHC” for details. For those specifically interested in primary care in the medically complex child, we have formed a unique experience at Camp Hope; please see “Camp Hope” for more details.
Pediatrics at PCHC
Our residents have recently started rotating with outpatient pediatricians through Penobscot Community Health Center (PCHC) in order to augment our outpatient pediatric volume and gain exposure to systems of care in a Federally Qualified Health Center.
Camp Hope
Camp Hope is a summer camp experience held for pediatric patients with cancer and blood disorders. Our residents have the unique opportunity to serve as “camp doctor” for the week while these sick children their siblings and families are afforded the opportunity to have fun and be kids in a safe and healthful environment. Residents produce a reflective writing piece at the end of the weeklong experience incorporating the value our program places on the arts and humanities in medicine.