Do you or a loved one live alone, or left alone for extended periods by a caregiver? Do you have limitations performing regular activities like showering or going to the bathroom? Do you have a history of falls or are you physically frail? We can help. LiveSafe provides peace of mind for you and your family.
LiveSafe is a home-based personal emergency response. A touch of the LiveSafe alert button immediately connects you to our health professionals, for a quick response to any emergency. Our service is staffed 24/7, so you or your family are never alone when you need help.
For about a dollar a day, you get peace of mind and security. You're not required to pay an installation fee, buy any equipment, or make a long-term commitment.
I am a diabetic and having LiveSafe makes me feel safe. When my blood sugar levels fluctuate and I need help quick, I know I can depend on LiveSafe.
— Crystal, Orono
LiveSafe Personal Emergency Response Service provides peace of mind for you and your family. In addition to the one-touch button, we have a no-touch option for falls or if you haven’t moved for a long time.
LiveSafe personal emergency response is not just for medical emergencies. The service is ideal for seniors, adults and children with disabilities, and those with short-term needs. The LiveSafe alert button allows you to answer the telephone without having to rush and risk falling, and to summon help from the police or fire department.
LiveSafe medical alert services are based in Maine and are coordinated by staff at Northern Light Health facilities. We proudly serve communities in Aroostook, Cumberland, Hancock, Kennebec, Knox, Lincoln, Penobscot, Sagadahoc, Waldo, and York Counties.
I appreciate the secure feeling I get, especially at night. Even though I have relatives within a few miles, they do not answer their phones always and sometimes “speed is of the essence” so I feel safe with my personal emergency “help” button which I carry with me.
— Ellen, Bucksport
At Home No Landline Standard LiveSafe Service Traditional Help Button
At Home No Landline Standard LiveSafe Service Traditional Help Button
No landline? No problem! Enjoy total peace of mind and maintain your independence with an At Home No Landline Medical Alert System. This system wirelessly connects you to our Emergency Response Operators in any emergency you may have.
- Works 500 feet from the base speaker in and around the home.
- Waterproof pendant can be worn on the neck as a pendant or on the wrist as a bracelet.
- No Contract: $40.00 per month. No installation fee.
- Maintenance: LiveSafe is responsible for the maintenance of the communicator box and buttons. We only ask clients to test their equipment each month by pressing their button and speaking to the call center.
For more information or to make a referral call our toll free number: 1.877.880.7677
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Traditional Help Button
Standard Service - Traditional Help Button
24/7 protection at the push of a button! Two-way speaker communication puts you in touch with our Emergency Response Operators who will connect you with the help you need.
- Works up to 500 feet from the base speaker in and around the home.
- Waterproof buttons can be worn on the neck as a pendant or the wrist as a bracelet.
- No Contract: Just $32 per month. No installation fee.
- Maintenance: LiveSafe is responsible for the maintenance of the equipment. We only ask clients to test their equipment each month by pressing their button and speaking to the call center.
- Requires traditional phone line (Consolidated Communication, Spectrum, OTT Communications, etc.) Please note, this system will not work with voice over internet services such as AT&T, Verizon, and Vonage.
For more information or to make a referral call our toll free number: 1.877.880.7677
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Fall Detection Help Button
Fall Detection Help Button
One in four Americans age 65 or older falls each year, and if you faint, hit your head or suffer a debilitating medical condition from a fall, you may need extra help. With our automatic fall detection technology, your system will call our emergency operators and alert them of your situation, even if you cannot push your own button. Works with both At Home LiveSafe Systems.
- Works up to 500 feet from the base speaker in and around the home.
- Waterproof pendant can be worn in the shower or bath.
No Contract
- Standard System $40 per month.
- Cellular System $45 per month.
- No installation fee.
For more information or to make a referral call our toll free number: 1.877.880.7677
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Mobile GPS Systems
Mobile GPS Systems
These products work off cellular towers. Whether you’re at home or on the go, you can get the emergency help you need with these exclusive cellular-based systems which include Advanced GPS technology and Automatic Fall Detection.
- No landline phone service needed.
- Includes advanced GPS technology.
- Allows client to call for help, anytime and anywhere.
- Water resistant.
- Wearable as a pendant or on your hip.
- No Contract: Just $40 per month plus a one-time $20 installation fee.
- Maintenance: LiveSafe is responsible for the maintenance of the equipment. We only ask clients to test their equipment each month by pressing their button and speaking. Please note, we are required to test and receive two bars of signal before we can legally leave the product in a home. Please note, we are required to test and receive two bars of signal before we can legally leave the product in a home.
For more information or make a referral call our toll free number: 1.877.880.7677
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Medication Reminder System
Medication Reminder System
- Customized reminder prompts.
- Tamper-proof lock.
- 28 large easy-fill dispensing compartments.
- Dispensing compartments only available at the designated time.
- Online remote programming portal for caregivers.
- Phone, email and text notifications.
- Backup battery protection.
- $50 per month plus a one-time $20 install fee.
- Landline phone service required.
For more information or to make a referral call our toll free number: 1.877.880.7677
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MedReady - Cellular Connectivity
- Helps client maintain independence at home
- Operates on cellular networks
- Landline devices available upon special request
- Holds up to 28 doses with up to 4 doses per day
- 48-72-hour back-up battery
- Notifications to loved ones and/or caregivers can be sent via phone and/or text upon missing a dose - monitored devices only
- Only the most recent dose is available
- Tamper resistant
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Video Instructions For Installing Your LiveSafe Landline Unit
CLICK HERE for video instructions to install your LiveSafe landline unit.
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Video Instructions for Uninstalling Your LiveSafe Landline Unit
CLICK HERE for video instructions to uninstall your LiveSafe landline unit.
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