Hospice services help those with a terminal diagnosis stay in their home, surrounded by family and friends. Our hospice program provides compassionate end of life care and support in your home. Our team works in partnership with patients and their families to coordinate a continuum of care based on patients’ unique needs and wishes.
Hospice is a holistic approach to health care for those with a life limiting illness. The goal of hospice is not to cure illness but to alleviate pain, control symptoms, focus on quality of remaining life and provide spiritual, social, and emotional support for patent and family.
Our hospice care focuses on comfort and symptom management. Our team is comprised of patient physician, medical directors, nurses, social workers, home health aides, chaplains, trained volunteers, and bereavement counselors. Physical, occupational, and speech therapists, as well as wound care specialists, are available as needed.
These are some of the ways that hospice can help.
- Managing physical symptoms
- Offering emotional support to individuals and their families
- Providing information about changes one might experience as the illness progresses
- Guiding families in giving care and support to their loved one
- Preventing hospitalizations with a hospice nurse available any time, day or night
- Making bereavement support available to families in a variety of ways
Anyone coping with a terminal diagnosis is welcome to inquire about our hospice programs at any point. You do not have to wait until your doctor recommends hospice to learn about your options.
Although many people believe that hospice care is designed to provide the necessary care for the final days of life, studies have proven that earlier engagement of hospice can extend life and improve quality of life as well. The most appropriate time to begin receiving hospice care is when the decision has been made to switch from curative treatments to comfort care.
Our hospice team can provide clinical, social, and emotional support to help clients make the most of each day. We will work closely with you and your family to provide assistance and support throughout the process.