A Weekly Column on Being Human by Wellness Specialist Elizabeth Clayton
Aug 09
Managing our vulnerable reward pathways in an age of abundance our brain is not designed for
Aug 02
Is there a more complicated and conflicted relationship than the one we have with our bodies? And that’s just on the conscious level! Who knows what is going on in our subconscious.
Jul 26
I was once involved with a person who would receive bad news with a sort of half-smile. It’s hard to put into words what that expression seemed to mean.
Jul 21
I’ve been taken in by many a fruit fly hack. None of them work. Not the dish of water with a drop of dish soap and vinegar
Jul 11
Have you ever allowed something to slip away by degrees, having made no formal decision whatsoever to bring this piece of your life to an end?
Jul 05
There’s a line from The Dubliners, a collection of 15 short stories by James Joyce, that gets batted around frequently, leading me to believe it touches a nerve:
Jun 28
Spinning a story in our head about the scary thing that is going to happen is like painting a picture of a tiger then forgetting it’s not real.
Jun 21
It’s stating the obvious, but I’ll do it anyway: Stress is taxing. It costs us. What’s more, our instinct for managing stress may be exactly opposite of what would be an effective approach.
Jun 14
Comprehensive basics for living safely in a tick-heavy environment
Growing up, my sister and I were always “the girls.” We were a duo, a team, always in complementary consort, covering all the bases. Amy was science, I was art.