A Weekly Column on Being Human by Wellness Specialist Elizabeth Clayton
May 21
From a half a block away, I saw them gesturing back and forth to each other, she posed in front of Stephen King’s house, he with a camera in his hand. Something wasn’t sitting well.
May 08
Procrastinating? Let the Pomodoro work its magic on you
May 02
In a world where everything always seems to come down to the second, stretching may seem: 1. Boring 2. Like it slows you down 3. An unrealistic luxury
May 01
"Sometimes it is necessary to re-teach a thing it's loveliness."
Apr 10
“All things are poison, and nothing is without poison; the dosage alone makes it so a thing is not a poison.”
Apr 03
The worst part about life under the dominion of a toxic friend is the way that person manages to move in and take over your mind and body.
Mar 27
While the idea of honey straight from the hive and milk straight from the cow has great appeal, I’ve always been way too leery of microbes to mess with that. Pasteurization all the way for me.
Mar 21
I was still a few miles from home when out of the blue and for no predictable reason I hit the wall.
Mar 14
During a leadership team meeting in an earlier career, we’d been asked to go around the table and offer observations about where each of our colleagues could improve.
Butterflies in Brazil? The season 2 plot line of The Bear? The truth of our interconnection is an unknown infinite.