A Weekly Column on Being Human by Wellness Specialist Elizabeth Clayton
Jan 17
In terms of ticks, have you been thinking you were off the worry hook for a few months? That winter was a Lyme-free zone? Me, too.
Jan 03
Are you the person you were a year ago? Did you mean to be different?
Dec 27
Quiz time. Between A or B, which goal do you think would be more effective, resolution-wise?
Dec 22
There are moments that rip our heart out, leaving behind in that great yawning loss a glimmer of something precious we may never have noticed or deeply known before.
Dec 13
That phrase, “Just getting through the day,” has always seemed like a lousy way to live, and yet that’s often my sense of how it’s done, how we talk about it..
Dec 06
You wouldn’t know this, but you instantly dropped my cortisol level in the way you cheerfully raised your hand, broke into a wide-open smile as if you were spontaneously glad to see me...
Nov 29
Have you ever noticed how a laugh gets you over the hump when meeting someone for the first time and you’re not entirely sure which way it’s going to go?
Nov 22
Sometimes the only thing to do is be quiet and get out of the way.
Nov 15
There was a period in my life when I was so edgy and wary it felt like I was having a million tiny little heart attacks...
Nov 08
In a culture that applauds giving your all, it almost seems against nature to sanction anything less,