A Weekly Column on Being Human by Wellness Specialist Elizabeth Clayton
May 31
I am so angry at ticks for ruining being outside and causing me to worry so much about my grandchildren and everyone else in my life, including me.
May 24
A psychiatrist once told me that when people reach a breaking point with a mental health issue, they tend to deal with it in one of three ways...
May 18
Are we what we consume?
May 11
This is a story about a panic attack that threw a top-level, high-performing, rock-solid leader for a loop.
May 04
In the 15 years we’ve been together, my partner Gary has done maybe seven things that have irritated me.*
Apr 27
“If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.” Lao Tzu
Apr 19
If we were just starting out at the beginning of time and didn’t know much about how to thrive, we would need to look no further than nature for instruction...
Apr 12
To answer that riddle, you must know the meaning of the word pernicious which I didn’t at the time I was coming up with a title.
Apr 05
I came to understand that healing is an elegant synergy among all our systems, biological, environmental, and spiritual and requires a diversity of healers.
Mar 29
There is a place of rest in the midst of chaos. It is in the focus.