We are declaring war on pain!
If you are looking for pain relief, improved mobility, improved sleep and would like to avoid spine surgery, you can take all the steps needed for life-changing pain relief right here at Northern Light Mayo Hospital.
Your pathway to pain relief
Our patients typically have chronic, consistent, focal pain which has not responded to conservative care (e.g. physical therapy, manual methods, medication). By utilizing history, physical examination, and imaging to develop one or several likely diagnoses. If appropriate, targeted injections are performed for diagnostic and /or therapeutic purposes. Depending on results, injection or denervation can be repeated as needed. Alternatively, patients can be returned to conservative care or referred to another specialist.
We evaluate and treat
Arthritis/Osteoarthritis of Spine
Auto Accidents
Cervical Radiculopathy
Degenerative Disc Disease
Joint (Knee, Shoulder and Hips)
Herniated Disc
Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)
Low Back Pain
Medial Epicondylitis (Golf Elbow)
Neck Pain
Peripheral Neuralgia