Food Assistance
At Northern Light CA Dean Hospital, we understand that difficulty accessing food affects the health of our communities. We’re committed to helping those in need by providing food bags and connecting people and families with resources.
Immediate food assistance
If you or your family have gone without food, or you’re worried you may go without food, we may be able to help. Please ask for a free bag of food that could last you and your family two to three days. Food is available in the hospital lobby and at our Greenville, Monson, and Sangerville health centers. (Availability may be limited and is available first come, first served).
Local resources
Please click here to find food insecurity resources in our community through Northern Light Health FindHelp. You may also want to discuss your needs with your primary care practitioner (PCP). Your PCP can learn about your needs and may be able to provide additional assistance.
Screening for food security
Patients at the Northern Light Health Centers in Greenville, Monson, and Sangerville are screened for food security. It is important to note that food security questions are asked of all patients, regardless of economic status, race, gender, education level and more, and all responses are held in strict confidence. Please know we’re here to help!