Endowment Fund
A lasting gift keeping families together
The Gary’s House Endowment Fund
The Northern Light Mercy Hospital Foundation has established the Gary’s House Endowment Fund, a restricted and dedicated fund to support the house and its guests for generations.
The Gary’s House Endowment Fund will ensure Gary Pike’s dream continues to be a reality for those in need.
Gifts made by individuals and organizations, including bequests, planned gifts, and life income gifts may be directed to the endowment fund in their entirety. Additionally, 25% of all annual gifts to Gary’s House will be placed in the endowment fund, and 25% of proceeds from the annual Bush Family Classic for Gary’s House and Gala will support the fund.
Making a lasting impact
A gift to the Gary’s House Endowment Fund will make a difference in the lives of patients and families far into the future. There are many ways to give, and the Mercy Hospital Foundation will work with you to develop a plan to meet your giving objectives and provide the greatest impact.
How to give
For more information about the Gary’s House Endowment Fund and how you can support Gary’s dream of providing an affordable, convenient place to call home for individuals and families who want to stay near their loved ones, please contact:
Mercy Hospital Foundation
Call 207.216.3469 or email