Cancer is Back on the Rise and Tracking Younger

Of most concern? Colorectal cancer

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Though cancer deaths in the United States have been falling since 1991 with a total of 4,000,000 deaths prevented according to the American Cancer Society’s 2023 annual report, that is no longer. In the past year the number of new cases has topped 2,000,000, up from 1,900,000.
Of particular concern is the rise of colorectal cancer in younger people, especially in men under age 55. It is now the leading cause of death for men under 50 and the second leading cause for women. The reason why is a mystery according to Dr. William Dahut, Chief Scientific Officer of the Cancer Society, though there is mounting evidence that eating a diet high in processed meat and fat and low in fruits and vegetables might factor in. Not getting enough physical activity has also been linked with a correlation found between higher screen times and higher risk.
“Right now what young people need to understand is that colorectal cancer is no longer an old person disease,” says Phil Daschner, a program director in the National Cancer Institute’s Division of Cancer Biology. “People should get used to looking at their stool and noticing changes.”
So spread the word and don’t sit on your symptoms. Get them checked out. And if you’d prefer not to start bowel-related conversations? Re-connect with your inner child who has no problem with potty talk!
To health,