Patients & Visitors
Staying calm improves care
For your upcoming visit to Northern Light Sebasticook Valley Hospital, please remember that calmness helps healing. Our staff are here to help, and other patients appreciate a quiet space that helps people relax and focus on their health and care. Family members and other visitors, patients, and our staff, are all encouraged to focus on healing. Let’s help each other.
Visitation Guidelines - effective April 20, 2023
Masks are optional in most areas of our facilities for most people, but there are some exceptions.
Facemasks are required in our Infusion Center. Also, masks are required for patients, staff, and visitors if they have:
- signs of respiratory illness (with or without fever) such as congestion, cough, runny nose, and sore throat
- been diagnosed with respiratory illness (COVID-19, flu, etc.)
- had a known exposure to COVID-19 (within 10 days)
If you choose to wear a mask, you may bring your own if desired. However, in areas where masks are required and for those who have screened positive for illness, we will ask you to wear a mask provided by our facility. The masks we provide have been selected based on specific criteria to meet infection prevention standards.
Read more about our masking update.
Screening: All patients will be asked to screen for illness upon entry. We ask all visitors to refrain from visiting if they have any symptoms of illness as this puts patients and staff at risk. Patients suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19 cannot have in-person visitors unless approved by Nursing leadership.
Inpatient Unit: No limit on the number of visitors per day, but only four at a time.
Day Surgery Unit: No limit on the number of visitors per day, but only two at a time are permitted to visit. Visitors may be asked to mask in some patient rooms if necessary.
Emergency Department: Patients are allowed one adult visitor, two for a pediatric patient. Visitors must remain at the bedside and wear a mask at all times. Patients at end-of-life may have up to four visitors, two at a time.
Outpatient Medical Services/Practice Offices: No limit on the number of visitors per day, but only two at a time are permitted to visit.
We understand that family support is an important part of a patient’s well-being. Thank you for helping us protect those in our care as well as all in our community.