We ask that everyone extend kindness and understanding of one another’s comfort and needs, this is a big step forward.
At Northern Light Health, we support masking to prevent the spread of respiratory illness, and respect that many people will continue to wear masks to protect themselves and others.
Staff, patients, and visitors are welcome to continue to wear masks if they choose, and patients may request care team members wear masks while they are receiving care. If you would like your care team members to wear a mask, please let us know!
This decision was made with a great deal of thoughtful consideration, examination of infection rates and hospitalization data, and with patient and staff safety as our top priority. Many healthcare systems and facilities across the U.S. have taken this step, and at Northern Light Health we worked with our clinical leaders to develop a plan to update our masking policy based on best practices that we believe is right for us and for our patients.
It's possible we’ll need to mask again.
Patient and staff safety are our priorities. The decision to change our masking policy is based on data that shows we can safely care for patients unmasked at this time. If respiratory infection rates rise among patients or team members, we may need to mask up to protect one another and the people in our care. We know that we can count of you if this happens. And, if it does, we will make sure we share that information with you.