My appointment is tomorrow and I’m starting to panic now!

Many people visit the doctor. Unfortunately, many have stress and fear around these trips.   Let’s chat about why this is the case, and what can you do to decrease anxiety.

Common causes for anxiety when going to see your provider are:

  1. I don’t know my provider because I don’t get to see the same one each time.
  2. I don’t like my body feeling exposed.
  3. I’m worried about how much is this going to cost.
  4. I don’t know if my insurance will cover this.
  5. My habits need improving and I’m embarrassed to admit that.
  6. I don’t have time to sit and wait for an appointment.
  7. I’m worried about getting bad news.
  8. It feels like they can never find out what’s wrong with me, so it’s a waste of time.

These are all valid reasons to be afraid, but there are some things you can do to help alleviate these anxieties:

  1. Breathe. Going to the doctor can be intimidating, but it’s important to stay calm and breathe.
  2. Recognize your fears and know that that this affects others in the same way.
  3. Keep up with your annual exam – this can help find issues before they get too far out of hand. Your yearly visit can help alleviate anxiety when you find out you’re healthy.
  4.  Be prepared, make a list, and make sure your concerns are heard.
  5. Take someone with you who can be an advocate. When there’s a lot on your mind, you may forget some of your questions or concerns. Be honest with your provider, even if you are embarrassed. They can’t help you if they don’t have all of the information.
  6. Treat yourself after your appointment – Positive reinforcement can work for ourselves too!

To stay healthy, continue going to your appointments even if they make you uncomfortable. It’s better to find out something is wrong early rather than trying to catch it when it’s too late.