New Day, New Opportunity

“I can hardly wait for tomorrow; it means a new life for me each and every day.”

– Stanley Kunitz, American poet

A Northern Light Health perspective from Tim Dentry, President and CEO

After reading this quote, my mind immediately went back to my early days in hospitals, when I said, “it’s a beautiful day!” to Sister Mary Thomas (CEO of Mercy Hospital in Baltimore, and a true hero and mentor in my life), and she replied “Every day is a beautiful day, Timothy.” We had that exchange several hundred times over the course of our time working together. Over the last few challenging Covid-dominated years, I found myself repeating a variation on this line: “Today is a new day to do good.” Each day is a new opportunity to help others and make a better world in the sphere of influence I have at Northern Light.

Anchors keep us centered and safe; at the same time, anchors can also keep us from moving forward. Being mindful of one’s past and learning from previous events are important in keeping us centered on life’s experiences that help us define and reinforce our character, values, and beliefs; staying flexible to our changing selves actually strengthens our character, and especially the secret and most powerful ingredient: humility.

What an incredible gift it is to feel grateful for the day while looking forward to the next day with confidence and hope! Seeing a new day as an opportunity for new adventures and experiences creates a powerful positive perspective, and as some say, “attitude is everything.”

So, as you prepare to face a new day, what attitude will you choose? You have the power. And, if you choose gratefulness, reach out to your friends and share what you’re grateful for today and encourage them to do the same.


Sending you positive, supportive vibes.

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Tim Dentry