Don’t let work be a pain in the neck: Five easy stretches you can do at the desk It’s all too common to feel a pain in the neck or throbbing in the shoulder at your desk during the workday. However, if you ignore these aches and pains, they can lead to bigger problems. Whether you are working from home or in the office, it’s important to implement movement and stretching throughout the day to take care of your body and your spine. Here’s some stretches that you can do to help you stay focused and on top of your game while at work.

1. Above Head Chest Stretch
Sit upright and interlock your fingers. Bend your arms and place them above your head while forcing your elbows and hands backwards.

2. Reverse Shoulder Stretch
Stand upright and clasp your hands together behind your back. Keep your arms straight and slowly lift your hands upwards.

3. The One Arm Hug
Place one arm straight in front of your body and use your other hand to hug the straight arm to your body. You should feel this stretch on the outside of your arm and shoulder.

4. Lateral Neck Stretch
Look forward while keeping your head up. Slowly move your ear towards your shoulder while keeping your hands behind your back.

5. Wrist Stretch
Press your palms together in front of your chest and hold for 15 seconds. Next, push the backs of your hands together for a reverse stretch.