Sebasticook Valley Hospital recognizes Lights of Life honorees
Date: 01/02/2024
Lights of Life raises funds for Northern Light Sebasticook Valley Hospital to help ensure our patients continue to receive the highest quality, compassionate care.
Shine a light to show your love and appreciation for someone special! Celebrate family and friends, and co-workers with individual lights for the Sebasticook Valley Hospital community holiday tree located in the lobby of the hospital.
The names of those honored and remembered will be displayed on our website through January 31, 2024. Donors receive a beautiful Sebasticook Valley Hospital Lights of Life card to mail to family and friends, acknowledging the gift in their honor.
Lights can be purchased through December 31, 2023 at
We are pleased to recognize our 2023 honorees:*
In Memory of The 18 Lives Lost in Lewiston
In Honor of Debbie Pingree
In Memory of Anna M. Bartolotti
In Memory of Richard Carey
In Memory of Ethel Cianchette
In Memory of Doris Giroux
In Memory of Nanette (Nan) Palmer
In Memory of Earl Rancourt
In Memory of Patricia Temple
In Memory of Greta Grant
In Memory of Lawrence K. Vieira
In Memory of Linda Cregnole
In Memory of Collins Rose Graves
In Memory of Anna Griffin
In Memory of Barbara Hammond
In Memory of Past Loved Ones
In Memory of Past SVH Auxiliary Members
In Memory of The Whitney Family
In Memory of Nickk Ayala
In Memory of Ruthie Ayala
In Memory of Ken Duplisea
In Memory of Allan Fiandaca
In Memory of Raymond Hart
In Memory of Eugene A. Hopkins, Jr.
In Memory of Sharon Hopkins-Stubbs
In Memory of Colby Moon
In Memory of Dan Taylor
In Memory of Bob Trask
In Memory of Marion Trask
In Memory of Mark Trask
*List current as of 1/2/24