Northern Light Pharmacy provides compounding services that can help customize your medication to your specific needs. Our staff use high quality ingredients to prepare medications in dosage forms that may not be available commercially. Whether you need a different strength, dosage form, or even a combination of medications, our compounding services can help ensure that you receive the exact medication you need.

If you are a provider or a patient that has questions about compounded products, please call 207-275-3203.

Northern Light Pharmacy provides free mail order services to Maine, New Hampshire, Connecticut, or Florida. With this program, you can get your prescriptions delivered straight to your door, without ever having to leave your home. Plus, we have streamlined the process to ensure that your orders are filled promptly, with a turnaround time of just 2-3 days. This means that you can have your medications in hand in no time, without having to drive to the pharmacy.

We provide a personalized hassle-free mail-order experience

  • Automatic refills or the freedom to request refills at your convivence
  • Sign up for text messaging option for shipment notification
  • Set customized co-pay limits to prompt a team member to call you for shipping authorization.
  • Our team will coordinate with you for a smooth delivery of all refrigerated medications.

How do you sign up for mail order?

Your medications - ready to go home with you

As an inpatient at Northern Light Health, our Meds-to-Beds service delivers your medications to you before you leave, so you can rest when you get home

When discharged from the hospital you shouldn’t have to worry about a stop at the pharmacy. With Meds-to-Beds from Northern Light Pharmacy, your newly prescribed medications are delivered directly to you in the hospital providing you with peace of mind. Northern Light Pharmacy works with your hospital care team to get your prescription processed and resolve any issues before you leave. Ask a member of your care team about Meds-to-Beds.

Which Northern Light Health hospitals offer Meds-to-Beds?

  • Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center (Bangor)
  • Northern Light Acadia Hospital (Bangor)
  • Northern Light Maine Coast Hospital (Ellsworth)
  • Northern Light Mercy Hospital (Portland)
  • Northern Light Inland Hospital (Waterville)

What are the benefits of using Meds-to-Beds?

  • Your medications are delivered to your bedside before leaving the hospital; no need to stop at pharmacy on the way home.
  • Allows you to focus on your health and recovery.
  • Helps you stay on track with your medication plan.
  • Pay only your co-pay. There is no additional charge for Meds-to-Beds.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I enroll in the Meds-to-Beds Program?

If you are admitted into the hospital a member of our staff will ask you if your would like participate in the program.

What if I do not have my insurance information during this visit?

With your permission, we will call your current pharmacy and ask for your insurance information. Your family member can also bring it from your home.

Can my discharge medications be added to my hospital bill?

Meds-to-Beds prescription cannot be added to your hospital bill. Co-pays are collected when your Meds-to-Beds service is provided.

What payments are accepted for the program?

Northern Light Pharmacy's Meds-to-Beds Program accepts cash, checks, credit and debit cards.

How can I obtain my future medications?

Prescriptions can be mailed directly to you through our free Statewide Mail Order Service.

If you choose, we can continue to supply your medications after you’re home through our convenient free statewide mail order service or at one of our retail locations. For more information call 207-275-3300.

Our MedSync program allows you to pick up of all your prescription refills on a single, convenient day each month (or even every 3 months). If you are interested in the program; our MedSync staff will coordinate a time to discuss your prescription needs over the phone and follow up before each prescription refill.

Northern Light Pharmacy offers a wide range of durable medical equipment and supplies to help you manage your health conditions.

  • Breast Pumps and Supplies
  • Compression Stockings
  • Aids to Daily Living
  • Braces and Orthotics
  • Diabetic Supplies (Testing, Pumps,)
  • Mobility Devices: Canes, Walkers, Crutches
  • Incontinence items
  • Head Coverings
  • Hearing Aids

We understand the importance of having the right equipment and supplies to manage your health conditions, and we are committed to providing high-quality products at competitive prices.

Smoking Cessation

We understand that quitting tobacco is challenging, which is why Northern Light Pharmacy offers a Free smoking cessation program. Our Smoking cessation program provides an individualized one on one plan which includes support, accountability, and motivation. Our Nationally Certified Tobacco Treatment pharmacist can assist you with quitting all forms of tobacco products including- chewing/smoking tobacco, and vaping.

Diabetes Education and Management

Have you been newly diagnosed with diabetes or struggle with maintaining a healthy blood sugar? Northern Light Pharmacy can help you with managing and understanding your diabetes through our Free Diabetes Education and Management program. Our clinical Pharmacist will provide you with education as well as coordinate with your provider to ensure you are on the right medications based on your individual situation. We will also ensure that you are coached on how to use your medication devices (insulin-injections) as well as instructed on how to use your glucose monitors.

For more information about our Clinical services call: Robert Cattan, RPh

Northern Light Pharmacy is your destination for vaccines. We offer the following vaccines at all our retail locations *.

  • COVID-19
  • Flu
  • Shingles
  • Hepatitis A or B
  • HPV (Human papillomavirus)
  • Tdap (Tetnus, diphtheria, whooping cough)
  • Meningitis
  • MMR (Mumps, Measles, Rubella)
  • Varicella (Chicken Pox)
  • Typhoid
  • Rabies

* Most vaccines are available by walk-in; except for COVID and Flu which require an appointment. Please visit our scheduling website Vaccine Scheduler to book an appointment.

For more information about vaccines please call our pharmacy or visit the Centers for Disease Control Website: CDC

Travel Vaccines

Northern Light Pharmacy offers a travel vaccine clinic at its Westgate location in Bangor. We offer all travel vaccines recommended by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

For more questions about receiving a travel vaccine call 207-275-3261.

For more information on recommended vaccines for your destination; visit the Centers for Disease Control's website for Travelers' Health and select your desired country from the drop-down menu.

Learn more about our COVID-19 safety