Eclipse Day is even more memorable for three families at Northern Light AR Gould Hospital
Date: 04/12/2024
Caption: Kaitlin and Kurtis Perkins with son Alberic who was born on April 8, the day of the Solar Eclipse, at AR Gould Hospital.
Presque Isle, Maine (April 12, 2024) — While April 8, 2024, was momentous for many in the region as we had the chance to experience totality during the solar eclipse, it was even more special for three couples who had babies born that day at Northern Light AR Gould Hospital. Ironically, all three have ties to the hospital as well, with one parent of each baby being employed at AR Gould.
“I had a scheduled c-section, and here at the hospital, they like to do them at 39 weeks. My 39 weeks was on Sunday, and I was scheduled for Monday, April 8,” explained Kaitlin Perkins, an occupational therapist at AR Gould. Alberic Dana Perkins, the third son of Kaitlin and Kurtis Perkins, was born at 8:04 am on Monday. He weighed 8 lbs. 10 oz. and was 21 inches long. “When I realized that he was being born on the day of the eclipse, I thought it was unique! It was interesting to be able to hold my son and watch the eclipse happen from our room.”
Rachel Stetson, a registered nurse in AR Gould’s Day Surgery unit, and her husband Spencer, were also expecting their baby, also a third child, around this time.
“I told my husband the day before, ‘Wouldn’t it be funny if I had our son on the day of the eclipse?’ and at 2 am, my water broke!” said Stetson. Tucker Henry Stetson was born at 10:36 am; he weighed 8 lbs. 12 oz. and was 21 inches long. “It will be great to tell my son when he is older that he was born on the day of the solar eclipse!”
Also having their baby on April 8 was Samantha Emery, wife of Dr. Lukas Emery, a hematologist/oncologist in AR Gould’s Cancer Care practice.
“We had everything scheduled, and I came in to be induced, but my contractions started to become farther apart…so I was bouncing on the peanut balls, taking walks, anything I could do to make my contractions more regular.” Walker Emery was born at 9:19 pm; he weighed 6 lbs. 15 oz. and was 19 ¼ inches long. While having a baby wasn’t a new experience – Walker ironically is also the couple’s third child – having one during a solar eclipse made it “a once in a lifetime experience,” according to Samantha.
All three families will have a special reminder of the solar eclipse each year as they celebrate the birthdays of their sons.