Northern Light AR Gould recognized for tobacco-free achievements
Date: 06/21/2023

Presque Isle, Maine (June 21, 2023) — Northern Light AR Gould Hospital has once again been recognized for its achievements in advancing their campus smoke and tobacco-free policies as well as promoting tobacco-free lifestyles. The hospital was one of 20 healthcare organizations in Maine who were recently recognized with a platinum level award through the 2023 Gold Star Standards of Excellence Program, a program of the MaineHealth Center for Tobacco Independence’s Breathe Easy Initiative.
“We are pleased to be recognized for our efforts,” said Dawn Roberts, Community Health Coordinator at the hospital. “Hospitals should be health and wellness role models in our community, so it's important for us to set an example around reducing tobacco use and exposure to secondhand smoke.”
AR Gould Hospital, which has been tobacco-free for 18 years, has consistently earned top-level recognition in this program, which had previously been a Gold Star and is now a Platinum Star.
All Maine behavioral health organizations, hospitals, and healthcare organizations were encouraged to apply for recognition. Organizations are recognized at Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze levels based on best practice criteria such as a smoke and tobacco-free campus policy, annual screening for tobacco use, referral to tobacco treatment and supporting employee education related to tobacco treatment.
“We applaud the ongoing efforts of Maine hospitals and healthcare organizations to address tobacco use, secondhand smoke exposure and nicotine dependence by meeting the Gold Star Standards of Excellence,” says Sarah Rines, Senior Program Manager for the Center for Tobacco Independence. “Advice and assistance from healthcare providers are powerful tools to help individuals to quit tobacco products, these awardees are taking key steps to support their patients, clients, and communities.”
Joining AR Gould Hospital in achieving this level of recognition within the Northern Light Health system are Eastern Maine Medical Center in Bangor, Mercy Hospital in Portland, and Sebasticook Valley Hospital in Pittsfield.
In addition to receiving a Platinum Award, AR Gould is pleased to announce that Jennifer Bartlett, RN, our smoking cessation facilitator, received the only Individual Gold Star Champions Award in the state for her work in smoking cessation.
“Jennifer does a lot of work to advertise her smoking cessation services. She holds informational tables and events during the Great American Smoke Out each November, and she participates in local community health fairs,” said Dawn Roberts, Community Health Coordinator. “She truly cares about helping people to kick the nicotine habit. Currently she is working with the system philanthropy office to obtain a grant from the Maine Cancer Society so that she can help even more patients. We’re proud to have Jennifer as part of our team.”
Bartlett notes that according to the Governor’s report to the Tobacco Prevention and Control Advisory Council 2022, Mainers smoke 1.2% more than the national average. “Now more than ever, we must not slow our efforts,” she said.
Bartlett went on to explain that these efforts work best when collaborating on resources. She has gratefully partnered with other staff from within AR Gould as well as the Aroostook County Action Program, Presque Isle High School Adult Education, and local businesses in this work.
The Breathe Easy Initiative at the MaineHealth Center for Tobacco Independence is dedicated to providing Maine’s hospitals with the information and resources needed to make all organizations smoke and tobacco-free. Learn more at This initiative is supported through a grant from the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Health and Human Services.