AR Gould recognizes Lights of Life honorees
Date: 01/02/2024
In Honor of For friends and family dealing with cancer or have Lost
This holiday season we invite you to honor or remember your loved ones or caregivers and support local cancer care by supporting Northern Light AR Gould Hospital's Lights of Life program. Your donation will stay in Presque Isle to help Northern Light Cancer Care provide the high quality, personalized care that those affected by cancer deserve.
Lights may be purchased through December 31, 2023 at
We are pleased to recognize our 2023 honorees:*
In Memory of Kenneth Atcheson, II
Purple Light
In Honor of Friends and family dealing with cancer or have Lost their battle
Orange Light
In Memory of Larry J. Kingsbury
Blue Light
In Honor of 1st District Masons and families affected with cancer
In Honor of Christina Raymond
In Memory of Anna M. Bartolotti
In Memory of Albert Billings
In Memory of Rose Davenport
In Memory of Muriel Dyke
In Memory of Jason Giggie
In Memory of John Lisnik
In Memory of Timothy Lowell
In Memory of Barbara Nardone
In Memory of Buddy-Bindina Sandstrom
In Memory of Kathleen A. Sullivan Hersey
In Memory of Kathleen A. Sullivan Hersey
Green Light
In Memory of Kenneth Atcheson II (Our Papa)
In Memory of Muriel Dyke
In Memory of Ken Gonya
In Memory of Linda J. Lavway
In Memory of Mahland Morse
In Memory of Anna Morse
Red Light
In Honor of Melissa Buck
In Honor of Melissa Buck
In Honor of Jeff Clark
In Honor of Jeff Clark
In Honor of Moe and Ruth Collins
In Honor of Greg Corrow
In Honor of Wanda E. Dyer
In Honor of John Lagerstrom
In Honor of Lee Lovewell
In Honor of Wendy Rose
In Honor of Ann St. Peter
In Honor of Mike and Cindy Thibodeau and Family
In Memory of Don Akeley
In Memory of John E. Albert
In Memory of Kathren H. Albert
In Memory of Raymond Beaulieu
In Memory of Stanley Bonville
In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dean, Sr.
In Memory of Robert (Magee) Deschesne
In Memory of Dr. Raymond Giberson
In Memory of John A. Hunter
In Memory of Pauline B. Hunter
In Memory of Dr. David Jones
In Memory of Peter G. McConnell
In Memory of Fred "JR" McGillan, JR
In Memory of Fred "JR" McGillan, JR
In Memory of Fred "JR" McGillan, JR
In Memory of Fred "JR" McGillan, JR
In Memory of Fred "JR" McGillan, Jr
In Memory of Fred "JR" McGillan, Jr
In Memory of Fred "JR" McGillan, Jr
In Memory of Fred "JR" McGillan, Jr
In Memory of Jane Olore
In Memory of Rebecca Olore
In Memory of Carl W. Ouellette
In Memory of Michael Parks
In Memory of Charles W. Tarr
White Light
In Honor of Carolyn Lagasse
In Honor of Steven Marquis
In Honor of Hadley McLean
In Honor of Ann St. Peter
In Honor of Those Still Fighting
In Memory of Patrica Alley
In Memory of Sam Babineau, Sr
In Memory of Blake Buck
In Memory of Norman F. Carlow, Jr.
In Memory of Merindy May Corriveau
In Memory of Eugene Cronin
In Memory of Eugene Cronin
In Memory of Zachary Gagnon
In Memory of Richard Good
In Memory of Richard Good
In Memory of Lisa Jandreau
In Memory of Teresa Babineau Jandreau
In Memory of Edward J. Kech
In Memory of Edward J. Kech
In Memory of Roger Landry
In Memory of Micheline Lapointe
In Memory of Susan Lockhart
In Memory of Dana Lougee
In Memory of Dana Lougee
In Memory of Edith G. Malloch
In Memory of Gerald E. Malloch
In Memory of Alice E. Murdock
In Memory of Rebecca Olore
In Memory of Jane Olore
In Memory of John Ouellette
In Memory of Debbie Stone Pare
In Memory of Priscilla Perkins
In Memory of William Sewell
In Memory of William Sewell
In Memory of Robert Theriault
In Memory of Carmen Theriault
In Memory of Michael Theriault
In Memory of Donald Theriault
In Memory of Malcom Weaver
In Memory of Tonya Johnson White
In Memory of Germaine Whitten
In Memory of Jana Whitten
*Last updated 1/2/24