Annual Report 2021 Logo

Community Partnerships

"The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members." - Coretta Scott King

These words by King strongly resonate when we look across our Northern Light Health community. And if we measure a community's greatness by the compassionate actions of its members, then we are truly surrounded by greatness and there is much to celebrate.

Our culture of caring begins with caring for one another and extends to the care we deliver to people across Maine in the many communities we serve. But if the pandemic has taught us anything, it's that compassion is evident not only in our excellent staff and community members but also in our community partners. Your generosity and innovation have helped extend our reach in living up to our promise to make healthcare work for the people we serve.

Our list of community heroes is long, and this Annual Report only features a handful of the people and organizations who have made an important difference during a challenging time.

We hope you find these stories as empowering and inspirational as we do.


Tim Dentry, MBA
President, CEO,
Northern Light Health


Kathy Corey
Board Chair,
Northern Light Health

A Vaccine for Everyone

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Get more information about our COVID-19 resources

On a sunny July day, a brightly colored RV emblazoned with the faces of children from across the world sits parked outside the Luca Café in Arundel. The Luca Café is a quaint seasonal restaurant with Asian-inspired food that has covered outdoor seating and picnic tables. Standing beside some tables and folding chairs in front of the RV, Peggy Akers, RN, and Mary Robbins, RN, two Northern Light Home Care & Hospice nurses, administer doses of the COVID-19 vaccine to a diverse and willing group of people—a group which might not have been vaccinated if not for the convenience of this mobile clinic and all the community partners that made it possible.

“There are populations that we are just not reaching. Populations who are undocumented, who would feel unsafe coming to a mass vaccination clinic where they might otherwise be asked to present identification or insurance information. We as an organization make it our mission that the only requirements for getting vaccinated are, are you a human being? and do you want to be vaccinated?" shares Robbins.

Their partners for this clinic are Maine Community Action Partners, the New England Arab American Organization, Maine Association for New Americans, Maine Access Immigrant Network (MAIN), and the Maine Department of Health and Human Services COVID-19 Community Support Team.

Chanbopha (Chan) Himm is also a member of the support team and co-founder of the Cambodian Community Association and Unified Asian Communities. Her mission is to help get people in underserved populations vaccinated. As some Asian Americans show up, she speaks with them in their native language and offers assurances. She has a welcoming smile and charisma, which seems to make her a natural fit for this kind of work.

"They couldn't ask for a better place to get vaccinated," explains Himm, "because they've got the nurses here that care so much about them. And then they've got their cultural brokers—the ones doing the translations, the community leaders standing right behind them and letting them know that they're going to be okay. What more can someone ask for?"

Himm is not just offering lip service when she compliments the Northern Light Home Care & Hospice nurses doing the clinics. Both Akers and Robbins have been doing this kind of work for a long time with community partners and have earned praise for their compassion and sensitivity.

"I feel so lucky in a way to be part of this journey. Doing these vaccines has just been such a gift," shares Akers.

If you would like to learn more about the COVID-19 vaccine or get vaccinated, please visit COVID-19 - Northern Light Health

Good Health is Good Business

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Learn more about the Good Health Is Good Business - Business to Business Zoom Conference Series

A light summer breeze comes off the Union River as customers gather on picnic tables shaded by umbrellas on the lawn outside the Union River Lobster Pot restaurant in Ellsworth. They are hoisting glasses of cold draft beer as servers carry out plates piled high with steamed clams and boiled lobster garnished with leafy green parsley and lemon wedges. To restaurant owner Brian Langley, the summer of 2021 looks a lot different than the summer of 2020. It's a lot closer to normal, at least in terms of business volume.

"We've seen a real influx of customers looking to escape to Maine from wherever they were in the country. They had to get out, and they wanted to go someplace safe. Maine was the epitome of both of those things," says Langley.

But as normal as things look, it was a challenge to get here. Like many business owners, Langley was dealing with so many unknowns. How could he keep employees and customers safe from COVID-19? How could he overcome supply chain issues, staffing shortages, social distancing requirements, and government mandates? For these questions and more, Langley turned to Northern Light Health which had started offering business-to-business webinars via the Zoom video conferencing portal.

"We call these webinars Good Health is Good Business," explains Carrie Arsenault, president of Northern Light Beacon Health, which spearheads the webinar series. "We bring experts together from across Northern Light Health and share resources and advice on how to return to business safely for employees, visitors, and customers."

As a large employer dealing directly with COVID-19, Northern Light Health had the expertise and resources that business owners needed, with experts in infection prevention, supply chain, finance, and behavioral health, to name a few. "One of the reasons you found me every two weeks watching the webinars was to get an idea of what we would be facing,” explains Langley. “I looked for trusted information , and there you had it from the horse's mouth. You could ask the doctors and other experts direct questions, and if they didn't know something they acknowledged that. It wasn't curated, it was objective and unbiased" Langley explains. A planning group meets regularly to discuss topics, create presentations, and book panelists. James Jarvis, MD, senior physician executive for Northern Light Health Incident Command, is a frequent panelist because of his expertise in the COVID-19 response. "Initially, I think they just wanted updates on what healthcare was doing and what was going on in our communities in relation to COVID-19. We realized that we needed to be a voice of science and reason to help mitigate fear. There was so much unknown in the beginning part of this pandemic that we felt an obligation to inform our businesses and communities of what we knew and what we thought was going to happen," explains Dr. Jarvis.

Another panelist, Yemaya St. Clair LCPC, EAP counselor, Northern Light Health, was brought in to offer mental health advice to business owners. Many recognized that their employees, and in some cases customers, were struggling to cope with the new normal of the pandemic. "Early on, when the masking mandates went into effect, we provided coaching around de-escalation, to help people stay calm. We also provided resiliency training and ways to help manage stress," shares St. Clair.

For Brian Langley, valuable advice helped him navigate an uncertain time, helped his employees cope, and provided current information to help adapt his business. He used the pandemic as an opportunity to try new menu items and offerings, such as outdoor seating. Eventually, Langley took what he learned and shared it with other business owners as a webinar panelist. "What can I do that's different, and how do I survive? I think that's what I wanted to share," explains Langley.

Arsenault says Northern Light Beacon Health will continue offering the webinars as long as there is a community need. "We are thrilled to be part of the solution to create healthy employees, healthy businesses and, as a result, healthy communities."


Ladders of Opportunity Part 1

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When Ngozi Christopher, RN, BSN, first started working at Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center in 2017, she had already worked as a nurse for several years in Nigeria. She had clinical experience and a nursing education but didn't know how steep the cultural curve was. She remembers one particularly difficult exchange with a patient's wife who was mad at Christopher because she wouldn't make constant eye contact with her or her husband.

"In Nigeria, when you're talking to an elder, you're not supposed to look eye-to-eye because that's a sign of rudeness," Christopher explains. Now, of course, she understands that eye contact is important.

Christopher was recruited to work at the medical center through Northern Light Health's international nurses' program. She admits that adapting to a different culture and new customs have been challenging, especially when you feel culturally "alone." She welcomes Northern Light Health's efforts to diversify its nursing workforce.

"When you have other people from different places, especially people that understand your culture, it takes away the feeling that you are alone, which, in turn, builds your confidence. It builds your morale, and you have people to share your experiences with."

Someone else who understands Christopher's sentiments is Marwa Hassanien, MS, M.Ed., director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) for Northern Light Health. Hassanien, the daughter of Egyptian immigrants, oversees the system's DEI initiatives, including efforts to diversify the workforce.

"In Maine and across the country we have a critical shortage of healthcare workers, especially in nursing. Diversifying the workforce creates opportunities for people from abroad to come here and enrich our state and our workforce. We need that in a highly homogenous state like Maine. We need their contributions, talent, and richness of culture and traditions," shares Hassanien.

Hassanien oversees several DEI initiatives, including a grant-funded project with the University of Maine and Morgan State University, a historically black college in Maryland. The $1.7 million grant from the federal Health Resources and Services Administration provides funding to increase recruitment and retention of diversified nursing students and faculty. UMaine faculty will tap the healthcare-focused diversity, equity, and inclusion resources of Northern Light Health, and Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center will serve as the primary clinical training site for the School of Nursing.

"Recruiting faculty is challenging regardless of the diversity factor, but recruiting diverse faculty is sometimes seemingly impossible. So, we've partnered with Morgan State University School of Nursing and will engage in a faculty exchange with their program," shares Kelley Strout, associate professor and Director of the University of Maine School of Nursing.

In addition to a faculty exchange, Strout explains that some of the grant funding will provide scholarships for students of different ethnicities. The first scholarship recipient is senior nursing student Camilla Silva, the daughter of Brazilian immigrants. She relates, “At home, I was surrounded by people from my culture, and coming here where it is predominantly white was something that I did worry about. But, coming to the program and seeing that there are people that I can relate to and that I can even have conversations with in my native language is absolutely amazing."

Silva is currently working part-time at Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center. Helping students like Silva graduate and stay in Maine is the goal.

For more information about NLH careers visit Career Opportunities and Jobs - Northern Light Health.

For more information on UMaine School of Nursing visit About - School of Nursing - University of Maine.


Ladders of Opportunity Part 2

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Wearing a brightly colored floral print dress and a mask over her face, Christina Marring wheels her cart into the rehab unit at Northern Light Mercy Hospital. Her cart is packed with cleaning supplies and fresh linens. Marring moves to the first empty patient bed, and in one effortless motion drapes a clean sheet over the bed.

Marring has worked in Mercy's Environmental Services Departmentfor 14 years. She grew up in South Sudan and moved to Maine with her husband and children. She is grateful to have a job at Mercy but working a full-time job, caring for a large family, and dealing with medical issues, have not been easy. She knows that greater English proficiency and digital literacy will help expand her career opportunities.

"I'm trying to practice using a computer to look for something other than housekeeping," explains Marring. Her situation is not unique. Melissa Skahan, vice president of Mission Integration for Mercy, says this has not been an uncommon theme in employee listening sessions. "We've heard from employees that, while incredibly grateful for Mercy and grateful to be part of the community, still felt stuck," she said.

Skahan looked to create a workforce development program for Northern Light Mercy to help eliminate some of the barriers their workers were facing. She reached out to several community organizations, including Portland Adult Education and its New Mainers Resource Center. "We couldn't do this work without their targeted support. They have dedicated staff for us, and they meet several times each week with my staff at Mercy," shares Skahan.

One of those dedicated staff members from Portland Adult Ed is Vanessa Sylvester, an instructor and advisement associate. Through a contract with Mercy, Vanessa provides assessments for employees like Marring. "If they're not native English speakers, we'll assess their English proficiency. And then, we'll talk about their strengths and goals for advancement within the hospital," Sylvester says.

The New Mainers Resource Center was set up as a pilot project by the Maine Legislature in 2013 to help skilled professionals coming to Maine from other places to use their skills and training fully. Sally Sutton, program coordinator, works with professionals, including foreign-trained physicians, to help them build a healthcare career in Maine. She explains there are big challenges in trying to figure out how to take advantage of the skills that people bring. "What we've seen during COVID is the great health disparity that exists, and how Maine healthcare systems might need to think differently about how they're serving minority communities and others who don't have easy access to healthcare. And we also have to think differently about how to help someone who's been a doctor or a nurse in another country get back into a meaningful healthcare role," says Sutton.

Northern Light Mercy Hospital welcomes partnering on future workforce development projects with the New Mainers Resource Center. In addition to providing resources to the center, the hospital also provides time during work hours for employees to take classes and study and is setting up remote classes during work hours to make it easier for employees like Marring to get ahead.

"Our mission really is to advance vulnerable populations," explains Melissa Skahan. "We pay particular concern to those who are poor and disadvantaged. Without a different way of doing things, this population will not have the same opportunity that you or I would have. So, we're deeply committed to building pathways so that our employees have great opportunity to advance to every level of the organization. It's not just Mercy; it's Northern Light Health. There is an incredible commitment from the leadership of Northern Light Health to advance this fully. It aligns with all of our work."

A Giant Step Forward

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Learn more about Northern Light Health Acadia Hospital

Throughout the global pandemic, emergency departments across the state have been dealing with high volumes of patients. In addition to the traditional cases, they've cared for people seeking treatment for COVID-19, as well as more patients with behavioral health needs—a condition exacerbated by the global pandemic. At Redington Fairview General Hospital in Skowhegan, John Comis, DO, director of Emergency Medicine, says the community needs have been significant. "We have seen not only an increase in the volume of people seeking psychiatric services but in the acuity of their condition,” he says.

As a 25-bed critical access hospital in Skowhegan, the largest town in sparsely populated Somerset County, Redington Fairview doesn't have the patient volume to employ staff psychiatrists to address the 24/7/365 needs of their emergency department. Instead, they contract with Northern Light Acadia Hospital to provide this critical service via telehealth. Acadia Hospital made substantial investments in telepsychiatry services several years ago to extend the reach of its highly skilled providers outside the walls of Acadia and into the community. Anthony Ng, MD, DFAPA director of Community Services at Acadia, explains, “When Acadia's telepsychiatry program started years ago, the volume was much lower, and the needs were not as intense. But what was unique about our approach was access to professional assessments and to physician support wherever and whenever needed."

Currently, Acadia's Psychiatric Consultation Team provides services to 19 emergency departments across the state, also including all of the Northern Light member hospitals. If a patient shows up at an emergency department requiring behavioral or mental health services, Acadia has the resources to provide as many as eight telehealth consultations simultaneously. Acadia professionals use telehealth to consult with providers, and also to work directly with patients to get them started on medications, make referrals to outpatient programs such as therapy or medication management, or, when needed, to admit the patient for inpatient care. "Oftentimes, these are people who have previously not had any access to services, let alone psychiatrists," shares Jamilyn Murphy-Hughes, LCSW, director of Consultation Services for Acadia. "The ability for us to provide expert care is, in some cases a life-changer."

One of Acadia's telepsychiatry providers is Jennifer Snowden, MD, who explains that, even as well as the program is working, providers and patients sometimes experience the frustration of insufficient behavioral health beds when inpatient care is needed. Acadia Hospital is now working to address that critical shortage of beds, and in 2021 had plans approved to expand bed capacity by converting existing space from 50 double room occupancy beds to 100 single room occupancy beds.

"We know that private rooms or single occupancy rooms are the standard of care. So, we're not adding more licensed beds but we're adding more functional capacity here at Acadia hospital," shares Scott Oxley, MBA, President of Northern Light Acadia Hospital. “Because a lot of patients aren't able to accommodate a roommate, we effectively have to take beds out of service each day. And with a waiting list of 30 to 35 people needing a bed every day, expansion is required." In saying this, Oxley also readily acknowledges that Acadia's focus and success as a provider of behavioral health services is not in building bigger inpatient facilities, but more in helping people manage their mental health before it escalates to an emergency room or acute care episode.

"It would be a great day if we never needed the consult team and we didn't have any patients that needed to come to Acadia Hospital," explains Oxley. "That would tell me their illnesses were being well managed, and that we're keeping them out of a crisis state. While the reality is that there will always be a need for these services if we could be less busy, we'd all be happy about that."

Yes, We Can

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"Where do you want this?" asks the woman in a purple UNICEF t-shirt wheeling a pallet truck stacked high with boxes onto a loading dock. She's one of the two dozen or so volunteers helping to load donated medical supplies into a container truck parked outside the Partners for World Health warehouse on Canco Road in Portland.

Partners for World Health is a Portland-based non-profit that collects donated medical supplies from hospitals, healthcare systems, and even individual donors and sends them to places worldwide where they are needed. Elizabeth McLellan, RN, MSN, MPH, is the founder and president of the organization. She started it in her home in 2007 after returning from the Middle East, where she worked as a nurse for many years.

"On one of my trips up into Northern Pakistan, I visited a hospital and realized that they were reusing gauze and tape, and they didn't have enough supplies. I said to myself, this is incredible because, in the United States, we're throwing away so much every day in our healthcare system."

Partners for World Health has grown considerably since that time. It now ships out about 50,000 pounds of medical supplies each month, worth about $500,000. Northern Light Health has had a long-standing relationship with the non-profit, but that relationship developed to a new level last summer with the global pandemic.

Navneet Marwaha, MD, senior vice president, chief quality officer, Northern Light Health, couldn't believe how severely the delta variant of COVID-19 was overwhelming the healthcare system in her native India. She watched the evening news in dismay.

"I think it was just the feeling of helplessness. Sitting so far away, I have family and friends in India. My mother lives there half the time, but fortunately was here with me during the pandemic, and both of us just watched the news coming out of the country, and the suffering was just incredible."

Dr. Marwaha reached out to Tim Dentry, president and CEO, Northern Light Health, to see if we could do anything to help. She wondered if we could donate any surplus medical supplies. "I asked him, and the answer came back. Yes, we can!"

She then reached out to Mike Whelan, vice president of Facilities and Supply Chain, and learned that we already had this relationship with Partners for World Health. Whelan's team, led by Mary McCarthy, RN, director of Clinical Value Analysis and Procurement, began putting together a shipment of supplies.

"We do regular business with Partners for World Health, anything that expires, any outdated products, or equipment that we may no longer use, we have donated to them in the past," explains McCarthy. But this time, because the need was so dire, we did much more. Supplies and equipment, including N95 masks, goggles, face shields, and life-saving medical devices such as oxygen concentrators and bag valve masks were loaded onto pallets and delivered to Partners for World Health in preparation for shipment to India.

"This helped me feel that we are making a difference and where I was struggling thinking, 'what can I do?' it's about what Northern Light Health and Partners for World Health are doing," shares Dr. Marwaha, "And that synergy, the power of the many, that is the whole reason we get into healthcare, to heal the sick and save lives."

Partners for World Health has reported that the donated O2 concentrators were expedited through their allies in the US/India Non-Governmental Organization TANA foundation and the first shipments were received at the Amara Hospital in Andhra Pradesh, India and immediately put to use.

Prasad Gourineni, MD, who spends his time between his hospital in India and the U.S., was recently in Portland and thanked everyone for their work in making this happen. He shared the following statement from his hospital administrator: “We are thrilled to have your support. Through your donation, we will be able to help the underprivileged and continue working towards better healthcare for the poor. These supplies will be utilized in the treatment of people below the poverty line who cannot afford better care."

Donate to Partners for World Health

Northern Light Health Foundation


Nearly 84 years ago, Nancy Hatfield's mother was enjoying a summer day on the water with family when she suddenly went into labor. They rushed back to shore but couldn't make it all the way to the hospital in time. Nancy was born on the front lawn of Blue Hill's community hospital.

Northern Light Blue Hill Hospital has played an important role in Nancy's life ever since. It's where her appendix was removed, her children were cared for after snagging fishhooks, and her husband Charlie served as board chair for several years. She credits the hospital with saving his life three times.

"It's difficult to imagine our community without Blue Hill Hospital," she says. "It has been such an important part of our lives for generations. It's a big reason people choose to live here, spend summers here, and retire here. It's the largest employer in the area. The whole community depends on it."

Like other rural hospitals, Blue Hill Hospital is an essential part of its community. It's now a century old and showing its age. Its design is no longer conducive to modern healthcare and repairs are becoming more costly and inefficient.

A Lifeline in the North Woods

Nestled on the southern shore of Maine's largest lake, Northern Light CA Dean Hospital faces similar challenges. The hospital, built more than a century ago to meet the needs of a growing lumber industry, serves the small towns of Maine's most rural county and the vast woods of the Moosehead Lake region. CA Dean covers more square miles than any other Maine hospital. The next closest emergency room is more than two hours away.

"This hospital means everything to this region," says Linda Gilbert, CA Dean Hospital board chair. "Families choose to live in Greenville because healthcare services are available nearby. Seasonal residents spend summers here in confidence knowing that there is a 24/7 emergency department right down the road."

The facilities team does a great job keeping the century old hospital running, but this is only a temporary solution and the existing hospital facility will not be able to sustain healthcare services far into the future.

A New Plan for Rural Healthcare

Since 2005, 180 rural hospitals have closed their doors, including three in Maine, and 2020 was a record year for US rural hospital closings. Northern Light Health is taking a different approach. With strong philanthropic support, modern new hospitals will be built in Blue Hill and Greenville to replace the current antiquated hospitals' buildings.

The new hospitals will be energy efficient, technologically advanced, and constructed with patient safety and comfort in mind. Built on the existing hospital campuses, the new facilities will offer most of the services presently available on these campuses. These services are designed to be cost-effective and easy to navigate for patients, families, and staff. Telemedicine equipment inpatient rooms and Emergency Department exam rooms will provide easy access to specialists from Bangor and beyond.

"Telehealth is an important part of the future of healthcare in smaller communities," adds Tim Dentry. MBA, president and CEO, Northern Light Health. "It allows us to re-think what's possible in rural healthcare. We can provide access to care close to home that just hasn't been possible in the past."

Groundbreaking for the new hospitals will occur in the spring of 2022, and construction will be complete in 2023.

The Power of Philanthropy

Generous individuals, businesses, and foundations investing in the future of care in their communities will help fund these hospital projects. The Blue Hill and CA Dean hospital foundations have launched capital campaigns to invite donors to partner with Northern Light Health.

"Rural hospitals face many challenges, many of which were made worse by the pandemic," says Dentry. "Donors want to be part of the solution to thinking differently about how we deliver healthcare in rural Maine to preserve it for generations to come. We could not move forward with these projects without philanthropy."

The capital campaigns have been successful in attracting community support. In the summer of 2021, Blue Hill's campaign received a $2 million lead gift and other significant donations. CA Dean wrapped up a highly successful campaign in early 2022 after receiving the largest donation in hospital history

To Nancy Hatfield, the early success of the Blue Hill campaign demonstrates the project's value to the community. More than eight decades after she was born on the hospital's front lawn, she is volunteering as chair of the Blue Hill Hospital Campaign Committee.

"It makes me very, very proud to be part of something great in the future," she says. "What it stands for is that we're here to help people. That's the only thing that matters. And what could be better than that?"

Philanthropy in Action

Northern Light Health Hospital Campaigns
Blue Hill

Included in the project: A new main hospital building and renovations to the Sussman Health Center


Included in the project: A new main hospital building and renovations to the existing west wing


Included in the project: A new birthing center and renovations to adult patient rooms


Included in the project: A new pediatric wing, patient room renovations, better access to geriatric care

Giving by Organization

Acadia Hospital $656,602.25
AR Gould Hospital $162,573.51
Blue Hill Hospital $5,035,345.08
CA Dean Hospital $1,139,530.23
Eastern Maine Medical Center $3,247,306.51
EMMC Children's Miracle Network Hospitals $333,709.59
Home Care & Hospice $442,125.54
Inland Hospital $296,451.98
Maine Coast Hospital $4,027,685.24
Mayo Hospital $74,334.06
Mercy Hospital $3,117,140.83
Northern Light Health Foundation $164,793.38
Sebasticook Valley Hospital $110,756.24
Total $18,808,354.44

Community Benefit

Northern Light Health Joins Community Partners to Tackle Opioid Epidemic

Learn more about our Community Benefit Reports

At the start of the 2021 school year, new faculty and staff at Nokomis Regional High School in Newport learned to administer the lifesaving anti-overdose medication Narcan as part of their first aid and CPR training. On a sunny Saturday in October, the Pittsfield Police department held a drug takeback event as part of National Prescription Drug Takeback day. And in February, Northern Light Sebasticook Valley Hospital in Pittsfield welcomed Jean Antonucci, MD, to provide medication-assisted treatment (MAT) to people with opioid use disorder.

These efforts to address the opioid epidemic are examples of the work underway by a group of community partners in the Sebasticook Valley region. The group, called the Sebasticook Valley Opioid Response Network (SVORN), held its first meeting in October 2020 and has been meeting monthly since. The group includes the Pittsfield Police Department, Regional School Unit (RSU) 19 (Corinna, Dixmont, Etna, Hartland, Newport, Palmyra, Plymouth, and St. Albans), Hometown Health Center, Kennebec Behavioral Health, TeamHealth, Northern Light Acadia Hospital, Northern Light Health, and Northern Light Sebasticook Valley Hospital.

Dr. Antonucci, who now sees patients at Northern Light Primary Care in Pittsfield, says the community partnerships are vital because opioid use disorder is a community problem. “Drugs and alcohol, child abuse, and poverty are everywhere in the state, and loss of family structure is everywhere,” she says, adding that a lot of her patients started drinking and using drugs when they were in middle school.

One of the SVORN priorities was to provide Narcan training to school staff and first responders, including Pittsfield police officers. “We're seeing our share of people who are dependent on opioids and other drugs, and we've had our fair share of incidents,” shares Harold Bickmore, Pittsfield Police chief, noting that officers used Narcan kits several times in the past year. Chief Bickmore attends the monthly SVORN meetings and provides updates to the group on overdoses in the community, which the police department now tracks using specialized mapping software. He is appreciative of the collaboration. “I think it's the way to go. It's like working on a task force. It's a force multiplier when you work together as a team,” he says.

SVORN is funded by a one-million-dollar federal grant provided through the Rural Communities Opioid Response Program. The program is a three-year initiative supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration.

“People in rural communities suffering from the opioid epidemic are facing challenges accessing needed services, especially during the pandemic,” says Terri Vieira, MHA, FACHE, president of Northern Light Sebasticook Valley Hospital. “This grant will allow us to strengthen partnerships, develop sustainable plans, and expand services to help more people.” The goals for the SVORN include improving the regional coordination and communication response for opioid use disorder, increasing community awareness, improving local access to treatment services, and improving clinical support for treatment and recovery.

If you'd like more information on Northern Light Health's Opioid resources visit Maine Opioid Crisis - Northern Light Health.

Total Community Investment by Category

Community Health Improvement Services $8,197,861
Health Professions Education $2,694,311
Research $1,124,827
Cash and In-Kind Contributions $177,414
Community Building Activities $400,843
Community Benefit Operations $2,514,382
Traditional Charity Care $12,192,727
Unpaid Cost of Public Programs: Medicaid
Medicaid $89,815,764
Medicare $153,861,338
Total Systemwide $270,979,467

Northern Light Health Member Community Benefit to our Communities

Acadia Hospital $12,755,941
AR Gould Hospital $21,231,203
Blue Hill Hospital $2,914,540
CA Dean Hospital $544,992
Eastern Maine Medical Center $156,138,207
Home Care & Hospice $714,080
Inland Hospital $12,648,641
Maine Coast Hospital $12,810,430
Mayo Hospital $779,075
Mercy Hospital $46,550,704
Northern Light Health Home Office $1,908,257
Sebasticook Valley Hospital $1,983,397


Consolidated Balance Sheets

Years Ended September 30, 2021 and 2020
Assets 2021 2020
Total Current Assets $764,553 $709,110
Assets Limited as to Use
Capital Replacement & Other Designated Uses $403,255 $370,233
Self Insurance Funds & Other Trusts $57,814 $101,344
Donor Restricted Gifts $97,182 $81,385
Total Assets Limited as to Use $558,251 $552,962
Property & Equipment, NET $795,667 $753,984
Other Long-Term Assets $62,136 $22,528
Total Assets $2,180,607 $2,038,584

(In thousands of dollars)

Liabilities 2021 2020
Total Current Liabilities $506,407 $355,459
Accrued Post-Employment Benefits $259,423 $284,190
Long-Term Debt $568,914 $551,771
Other Long-Term Liabilities $5,690 $139,574
Total Liabilities $1,340,434 $1,330,994
Total NET Assets $840,173 $707,590
Total liabilities & NET Assets $2,180,607 $2,038,584

(In thousands of dollars)

Consolidated Statements of Operation

Years Ended September 30, 2021 and 2020
Details 2021 2020
Net Operating Revenue $2,027,076 $1,753,249
Operating Expenses
Salaries & Employee Benefits $1,128,103 $1,066,533
Supplies & Other $841,815 $769,339
Total Expenses $1,969,918 $1,835,872
(Loss) Income from Operations $57,158 ($82,623)
Investment Gains & Losses $27,468 $23,955
(Deficiency) Excess of Revenue Over Expenses Before Noncontrolling Interest $84,626 ($58,668)
Noncontrolling Interest $2 ($41)
(Deficiency) Excess of Revenue Over Expenses $84,628 ($58,709)
Operating Margin 2.82% -4.71%
Total Margin 4.12% -3.30%
Reinvestment in Clinical Equipment, Technological Advancements & Facilities $98,176 $66,598

(In thousands of dollars)

Who We Are

Homecare & Hospice Organization
Integrated Physician Organization
Emergency Transport Members
Nursing Homes
Joint Ventures
Primary Care Practices
Licensed Nursing Home/Long-Term Care Beds
Available Acute Care Beds

What We Do

Heart Surgeries
Clinic Visits
Inpatient & Outpatient Surgeries
Emergency Department Visits
Imaging Procedures
Primary Care Visits
Medical Transports

Joint Ventures

County Physical Therapy, LLC
LifeFlight of Maine, LLC
New Century Healthcare, LLC
Advanced Collections Services, LLC
MedComm, LLC
Uniship Courier Services, LLC
Penobscot Logistics Solutions, LLC

LifeFlight of Maine

Towns Responded to for Scene Calls 107
Total Scene Calls 226
Fixed Wing Air Transports 301
Traumatic Injury Transports 409
Ground Transports 558
Helicopter Air Transports 1,444

Northern Light Medical Transport

Towns / Townships / Unorganized Territories in Response Area 100
Wheelchair Van Transports 3,344
Patients Transported 18,718

Note: Data as of FY21 Post-Audit Statistics Report with the exception of NL Mayo Hospital. NL Mayo Hospital numbers provided are preliminary.

About Us

Our Mission

We improve the health of the people and communities we serve.

Our Vision

Northern Light Health will be a leader in healthcare excellence.

Our Values

To accomplish its mission and vision, Northern Light Health will embrace the values of integrity, respect, compassion, and accountability.
Our Values


We commit to the highest standards of behavior and doing the correct thing for the right reasons.


We respect the dignity, worth, and rights of others.


We deliver care focused on the needs of each person and guide families and individuals through the experience with kindness and professionalism.


We take a responsible and disciplined approach to achieving our priorities and responding to an everchanging environment.