Scoring an A for Effort and Outcomes in Patient Safety
Date: 11/06/2023
Bangor, Maine (November 7, 2023) — Keeping patients safe from errors, accidents, and infections while receiving healthcare is of the utmost priority. On November 6, The Leapfrog Group, an organization that evaluates US hospitals on safety, recognized Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center with an
A Hospital Safety Score
Moving the needle in patient safety improvement takes bringing everyone to the table, and that's what Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center does. Leaders, providers, and nurses discuss patient safety concerns during team huddles and at the bedside during shift change hand-offs. Leaders support staff who speak up if something needs a second look, such as patient outcomes after surgery or reducing pressure injuries, areas that have improved in recent years. Teams use evidence-based practices to drive improvements in communication and processes and ensure patients receive the highest level of care.
“This A grade highlights that our staff members are truly engaged in a culture of safety,” says Elizabeth Perry, MPH, CPHQ, Associate Vice President of Patient Safety and Quality Improvement at Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center. “When a safety concern is brought forth, we dig deeper to find the root cause and look for patterns so we can make adjustments to ensure patients receive the care they expect and deserve.”
The Leapfrog Group releases ratings in the spring and fall, and Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center earned an A from both releases in 2023.