Eastern Maine Medical Center recognizes Lights of Life honorees
Date: 01/02/2024
This holiday season, we invite you to join us for our 23rd annual Lights of Life at Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center. You can help our holiday trees at Lafayette Family Cancer Institute shine brightly by purchasing a light to memorialize or honor caregivers and those affected by cancer. Your thoughtful gift will not only pay tribute to the person you’ve chosen and brighten our tree, but it will also help support care for patients in our community.
Every light reserved for the tree supports the exceptional care provided at Northern Light Cancer Care. Names that appear multiple times reflect individuals that have been honored by more than one person.
Lights may be purchased through December 31, 2023 at
We are pleased to recognize our 2023 honorees:*
In Honor of Kleczyk/Strout Family
In Memory of Donald Dysart
In Memory of Cathy Gero
In Memory of Judy Hanscom
Purple Light
In Honor of All kids receiving treatment at Raish Peavey Haskell Children's Cancer and Treatment Center
In Memory of Bud and Bette Grant
In Memory of Valerie Malikowski
Orange Light
In Honor of John Boehm
In Honor of The Staff
In Memory of Rita and Arthur Qualey
In Memory of Anita Sargent Leonard
Blue Light
In Honor of Anonymous
In Honor of Maria Baeza
In Honor of BHV
In Honor of Georgette Briggs
In Honor of Cancer Survivors
In Honor of Dr. Garrett
In Honor of HLV
In Honor of David L. McKay
In Honor of MEV
In Memory of Ida Ambrose
In Memory of Anna M. Bartolotti
In Memory of Ann B. Bissell
In Memory of William G. Bissell
In Memory of Richard M. Bissell, Sr.
In Memory of Patrick Bouchard
In Memory of Sean Casey
In Memory of Paul Joseph Cormier
In Memory of Ernest H. Davenport
In Memory of Alice Day
In Memory of Alice R. Day
In Memory of Karen Erdley
In Memory of Herbert L. Fowle, Jr.
In Memory of Vicki Graves
In Memory of David Harmoning
In Memory of Marianne Henriksen
In Memory of Alice P. Logan
In Memory of John Logan
In Memory of Valerie Malikowski
In Memory of Judy McClay
In Memory of Janet D. McKay
In Memory of Frank C. Morgan
In Memory of Virginia C. Mortel
In Memory of Albert E. Mortel, Jr.
In Memory of Jonathan Mullis
In Memory of Jonathan Mullis
In Memory of Jarvis T. Oliver
In Memory of Norma Proux
In Memory of Guy A. Schrag
In Memory of Rick Schrage
In Memory of Kathy Small
In Memory of Amaryl R. Smith
In Memory of George Springer
In Memory of Maurice and Viola Springer
In Memory of Richard F. Thompson, Sr.
In Memory of Blake Vaillancourt
In Memory of Trudy Walo
In Memory of Curt Willman
In Memory of Keith H. Young
Green Light
In Honor of Anonymous
In Honor of Lloyd Beath
In Honor of Dad
In Honor of G. Steven Day
In Honor of Phil Getchell
In Honor of Fred and Dorothy Hersey
In Honor of Wendy Moran
In Honor of Alexandria Morgan
In Honor of Cyrus Morgan
In Honor of Ronald Morgan
In Honor of Charles B. Parsons
In Honor of Harriett Petersen Smith
In Honor of The Photopheresis Staff! - Rock Stars
In Honor of Kimberly Scopino
In Honor of Arthur Smith
In Honor of Colleen Story
In Honor of Bob and Lindy Stratton
In Honor of Lynne Veinote
In Honor of Margaret (Peggy) Weber
In Honor of Grayson Wentworth
In Memory of William W. Anderson
In Memory of Donald Arsenault
In Memory of Roberta Arsenault
In Memory of Auntie Pat
In Memory of Jennifer Bechard
In Memory of Peg and Bill Bennett
In Memory of Pamela Bickford
In Memory of Paul S. Blouin
In Memory of Esther and Eugene Bowden
In Memory of Lorraine Carr
In Memory of Kelly Cassum
In Memory of Peter Chase
In Memory of Anthony J. Ciulla
In Memory of Dana Cole, Sr.
In Memory of Joan Crosby
In Memory of Alice and Peter Cullinan
In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. George S. Day
In Memory of David Dean
In Memory of Herbert Dean
In Memory of Wallace Evans
In Memory of Terrance Fournier, MD
In Memory of Donna J. Good
In Memory of Martha Grant
In Memory of Irene Gray
In Memory of Robert C. Hagerthy
In Memory of F. Marjorie Hedlund
In Memory of Roger L. Howes
In Memory of Kerry Jordan
In Memory of William A. Kenny
In Memory of Barbara Kimball
In Memory of Carolyn King
In Memory of Bud Knickerbocker
In Memory of Wanda Knights
In Memory of Everett Lancaster
In Memory of Robert J. LaPointe
In Memory of Bill Leeman
In Memory of Kenneth MacLeod
In Memory of Rosanna McFarland
In Memory of Alice McInnis
In Memory of Joyce Mooney
In Memory of Frank Morgan
In Memory of Frank C. Morgan
In Memory of John S. Morgan
In Memory of Jonathan Mullis
In Memory of Jonathan Mullis
In Memory of Jonathan Mullis
In Memory of Nana Jo-Jo
In Memory of Daniel Nickerson
In Memory of Don Norwood
In Memory of Lorraine Nutbrown
In Memory of Penney O'Halloran
In Memory of Allan Ott
In Memory of Allan Ott
In Memory of Irma Parent
In Memory of George and Helen Peabody
In Memory of Michelle Ray
In Memory of Ronald "Movie" Richards
In Memory of Bernie Ring
In Memory of Alice W. Robinson
In Memory of Karen Rupert
In Memory of Marilyn Sawyer
In Memory of Charles Sawyer, Jr.
In Memory of Barbara C. Smith
In Memory of Barbara C. Smith
In Memory of Lani, Suzi, Samwel and Maikel Stratton
In Memory of Shauna Strattonmeier
In Memory of Ruth Swallow
In Memory of Patti Sweeney
In Memory of Robert Tapley
In Memory of Terry Toole
In Memory of Brandon Washburn
In Memory of Joyce Wasson
In Memory of Deborah Wheeler
In Memory of Emerson Wilson
In Memory of Muriel Wilson
Red Light
In Honor of "T"
In Honor of Jonathan Bates
In Honor of Vilia Bates
In Honor of Breast Cancer Survivors
In Honor of Jane Brown
In Honor of Brian Burt
In Honor of Cathy Cashman
In Honor of Rebecca Chasse
In Honor of Sharon Conner
In Honor of Kenton Crosby
In Honor of June Doody
In Honor of Kim Elliott
In Honor of Lee Emery
In Honor of Marilyn Eremita
In Honor of Royce Frost
In Honor of Leon and Geneva Ginn
In Honor of Lowena Gross
In Honor of Donald Holyoke
In Honor of Susan LeVasseur
In Honor of Jane Mahon
In Honor of Mike Morrison
In Honor of Cynthia Pasquine
In Honor of Etta Penney
In Honor of Perrone Family Women
In Honor of Nancy Rampe
In Honor of Richard Richards
In Honor of Robyn Rupert
In Honor of John and Donna Shea
In Honor of Dr. Kara Smythe
In Honor of William J. Snow, Sr.
In Honor of Robert Tapley
In Honor of Gary and Vicky Tennant
In Honor of Lisa Ware
In Honor of Bette A. Winchenbauch
In Memory of Lawrence Adams
In Memory of Walter Aldus
In Memory of Allyson Aucoin
In Memory of Earle Aucoin
In Memory of Merita Aucoin
In Memory of Peter Aucoin
In Memory of Donald Baker
In Memory of Jesse Baker
In Memory of John Baker
In Memory of William and Lilly Bennett
In Memory of Avaline Bickmore
In Memory of Delwin Blackwell
In Memory of Donald E. Bowen
In Memory of LeAnna Breau
In Memory of Warren Brooks
In Memory of Bryan
In Memory of Robert E. Bryce
In Memory of Nola Burleigh
In Memory of Carey Burlock
In Memory of Carolyn Burnham
In Memory of Rosemary Canney
In Memory of William Carkner
In Memory of Marion Carrier
In Memory of Victor Carrier
In Memory of Amy Carter
In Memory of Gayla Cassidy
In Memory of Constance B. Clements
In Memory of Marcia Colby Bennett
In Memory of Rita Collins
In Memory of Cary Comer
In Memory of Bernie Corneil
In Memory of Rae-Jean Craig
In Memory of Deborah Darling
In Memory of William Dorrity
In Memory of Stacia Dowd
In Memory of Mary Ann Engstrom
In Memory of Mike Eremita
In Memory of Charlotte Fish
In Memory of Charlotte Fish
In Memory of Kathy Ford
In Memory of Terrance Fournier, MD
In Memory of Claris Frost
In Memory of Velma Gallagher
In Memory of Christopher Gaudet
In Memory of Gene Gellman
In Memory of Steve Giles
In Memory of Matthew H. Gilman
In Memory of Walter E. Goding
In Memory of Bess Gove
In Memory of Joyce Gove
In Memory of Kathy Gray
In Memory of Sandra S. Griffin
In Memory of Brienne Grindle
In Memory of Dwight Guptill
In Memory of Faye Guptill
In Memory of Jessika Guptill
In Memory of Patricia Hanson
In Memory of Joyce A. Harris
In Memory of Alice Hawes
In Memory of Donna Holyoke
In Memory of Ellen Hutchins
In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Inman
In Memory of Laurie Johnson
In Memory of Joseph F. Kacer, Sr.
In Memory of Ronald H. King
In Memory of Dave Kluzak
In Memory of Quida Knickerbocker
In Memory of Earl C. Knight
In Memory of Earl C. Knight, Jr.
In Memory of Eugene and Dorothy Lamson
In Memory of Gerald R. Lincoln, Sr.
In Memory of Linda
In Memory of Louis Lindsay
In Memory of Ralph Longstaff
In Memory of Marvin Lundin
In Memory of Margot
In Memory of Richie R. Masse
In Memory of Barbara McKenney
In Memory of Carole McLoud
In Memory of Joan Michaud
In Memory of Jerry Montpetit
In Memory of Jonathan Mullis
In Memory of Jonathan Mullis
In Memory of Janet L. Neubig
In Memory of Marlene Nightingale
In Memory of Albert Ott
In Memory of Marion Ott
In Memory of Raish Peavey Haskel
In Memory of Joanne Peters
In Memory of Violet S. Peters
In Memory of Frederick V. Peters, Jr.
In Memory of Thelma Pierce
In Memory of Vance Pineo, Sr.
In Memory of Cecil and Elinor Porter
In Memory of Michelle Ray
In Memory of Margaret Roberts
In Memory of Margaret Roberts
In Memory of Nathan Robichaud
In Memory of Karen Rupert
In Memory of Norma M. Smart
In Memory of Nicholas J. Smith
In Memory of Robin Snow Curran
In Memory of Marjorie Tammaro
In Memory of Richard Thompson, Jr.
In Memory of Timothy W. Tower
In Memory of Anthony E. Vitolo
In Memory of Joel Voisine
In Memory of Mary Waite
In Memory of Angel Waterhouse
In Memory of Gilbert White
In Memory of Joyce White
In Memory of Whitty Family
In Memory of Maynard A. Winchenbauch
White Light
In Honor of Anonymous
In Honor of Elizabeth Bailey
In Honor of Alec Beeson
In Honor of Alec Beeson
In Honor of Linda Beever
In Honor of Alina Boone
In Honor of Richard and Cindy Boone
In Honor of Frances Bowen
In Honor of Peggy Braley
In Honor of Belinda Brewer
In Honor of Josh Bridges
In Honor of Sonia B. Bunt
In Honor of Robert Bunt, II
In Honor of Marlene Campbell
In Honor of Bob Chasse
In Honor of Trudy J. Clarke
In Honor of Michael Collinsworth
In Honor of Priscilla Collinsworth
In Honor of Kris Cook
In Honor of Francine Crean
In Honor of Collette Creedon
In Honor of Cathy Crosby
In Honor of Katie Curtis
In Honor of Eric Damboise
In Honor of Brayson Dunton
In Honor of Lynn Edwards
In Honor of Rex William Ellsworth
In Honor of Taylor Francey
In Honor of Cara Fuller
In Honor of Alma Gerow
In Honor of Dallas Gerow
In Honor of Kathie Gomes
In Honor of Terry D. Grant
In Honor of Leo Gray
In Honor of Julia S. Grindle
In Honor of Beverly Hanington
In Honor of Willard Hanington
In Honor of Felix J. Hernandez
In Honor of James Hernandez
In Honor of Nicholas Hernandez
In Honor of Nick Hernandez
In Honor of Donna P. Holmes
In Honor of Peter Honey
In Honor of Elizabeth Instasi
In Honor of Heidi Johnston
In Honor of Kate
In Honor of Kristina
In Honor of Milissa Lalonde
In Honor of Lois Latour
In Honor of Laurie Libby
In Honor of Karen E. Lord
In Honor of Cole Lundquist
In Honor of Pat Marquis
In Honor of Melody McLellan
In Honor of Lynn Merry
In Honor of JoEllen Millett
In Honor of Larry Mobraaten
In Honor of Margaret Nevin
In Honor of Paul Pasquine
In Honor of Nancy Preble
In Honor of Julie Rayment Misenheimer
In Honor of Laura Reed
In Honor of Becka Reynolds
In Honor of Gail Rice
In Honor of Jane Sanborn
In Honor of Hope Talieh
In Honor of Lisa Taylor
In Honor of Sue Vancelette
In Honor of Lynne Veinote
In Honor of Allyson D. Welsh
In Honor of Ryan Woodward
In Memory of James Applegate
In Memory of Roberta Arsenault
In Memory of Aunt Nonie
In Memory of Aunt Yvonne
In Memory of Evelyn Bailey
In Memory of Beryl Bas
In Memory of Mumma Bea
In Memory of Lester Bean
In Memory of Roberta Bean
In Memory of Bettianne
In Memory of Mildred Bishop
In Memory of Richard and Frances Boone
In Memory of Albert Warren Brown
In Memory of Dorothy Diana Brown
In Memory of Helen M. Brown
In Memory of Eloise Bryer
In Memory of Peggy Burlock
In Memory of Beryl Ann Campbell
In Memory of Dorothy Campbell
In Memory of Patricia Campbell Gagner
In Memory of Shirley Campbell, Jr.
In Memory of Shirley Campbell, Sr.
In Memory of Elaine H. Carpenter
In Memory of Betty Carpenteri
In Memory of Harry Carpenteri
In Memory of Frank L. Carr
In Memory of Rebecca J. Carr
In Memory of William L. Carr
In Memory of Gordon Chase
In Memory of Dr. Sidney Chason
In Memory of John L. Clark
In Memory of Kenneth Clark
In Memory of Bruce Clarke
In Memory of Loren Clarke
In Memory of Judy Coffin
In Memory of Derryl Colford
In Memory of Douglas Colford
In Memory of Lena Colford
In Memory of Theodore (Ted) Conley
In Memory of Michael Conley, Sr.
In Memory of Roy Corbin
In Memory of Allen Cratty
In Memory of Sheila Crowley
In Memory of Gretchen Damboise
In Memory of Penny Damboise
In Memory of Warren Davis
In Memory of Debbie
In Memory of Howard Devaney, Jr.
In Memory of Kathleen Diane
In Memory of Irv Doucette
In Memory of George Doughty
In Memory of Robert Downs
In Memory of Doris Ellis
In Memory of Dana Fickett
In Memory of Terrance Fournier, MD
In Memory of Larry Freilino
In Memory of Tim Furrow
In Memory of Tim Furrow
In Memory of Jeff Gagner
In Memory of Carroll P. Gerow
In Memory of Peter Gerow
In Memory of John Gomes
In Memory of Carlene L. Goodwin
In Memory of Carlene L. Goodwin
In Memory of Willow Grace
In Memory of Ellie Gray
In Memory of Alexander Leroy Hathaway
In Memory of Herbert Haynes
In Memory of Andrew Hewett
In Memory of John Hewett
In Memory of Lou Hill
In Memory of Mary Hill
In Memory of Ed Hogan
In Memory of Barbara Hughes
In Memory of G. Nancy Hutchins
In Memory of Lloyd and Phyllis Hutchins
In Memory of Wayne (Bub) and Reed Ireland
In Memory of Ralph Jewett
In Memory of Linda Johnson
In Memory of Meiling Johnston
In Memory of Patrick Johnston
In Memory of Lexie Conley and Karri-Ann Conley
In Memory of Linda Keyes
In Memory of Steve Kruzelak
In Memory of Pauline G. Lamson
In Memory of Martine Lapin
In Memory of Gary Leighton
In Memory of Steve W. Leighton
In Memory of Estelle Levesque
In Memory of Roger C. Lewis
In Memory of Vicki Lincoln
In Memory of Joel Linn
In Memory of Penney Littlefield
In Memory of Lorraine
In Memory of Austin Lyford
In Memory of Wanda Lyford
In Memory of Susan MacDonald
In Memory of Paul D. Manion
In Memory of Bob Martin
In Memory of Rita Maxsimic
In Memory of Roman Maxsimic
In Memory of Ed McCorrison
In Memory of Pat McCorrison
In Memory of Susan McGarry
In Memory of Geraldine McGuire
In Memory of Robert McKay
In Memory of Ray McManis
In Memory of Ryan Monahan
In Memory of Terrence Monahan
In Memory of Candy Moore
In Memory of Billy Morgan
In Memory of Robert and Jean Moshe
In Memory of Jonathan Mullis
In Memory of Jonathan Mullis
In Memory of Jonathan Mullis
In Memory of Angela Murphy
In Memory of Brian Murphy
In Memory of Francis Newport
In Memory of Danny Oneill
In Memory of Susan Ortiz
In Memory of Catherine Patterson
In Memory of Suzanne Ponkala
In Memory of Erica Ponkala Bary
In Memory of Emelia Poulin
In Memory of Donna L. Prescott
In Memory of Keith E. Prescott
In Memory of Kenneth E. Prescott
In Memory of Colleen Pryor
In Memory of William K. Reese
In Memory of Leona Reidy
In Memory of John Remick
In Memory of Danny Reynolds
In Memory of Jean Rhodes Ward, RN
In Memory of Paul Richard
In Memory of Bernard Ricker
In Memory of Cindy Rickman
In Memory of Arthur and Rose Rious
In Memory of Richard A. Rivard
In Memory of Helena Ronco
In Memory of Roque Brothers
In Memory of David Shorette
In Memory of Amaryl Smith
In Memory of Craig A. Smith
In Memory of Roger Snow
In Memory of Ricky Sprague
In Memory of David Spruce
In Memory of James Steele
In Memory of Phillip Stevens
In Memory of Madeline D. Stevenson
In Memory of Linda Stoddard
In Memory of Kathy Stone
In Memory of Christy Sullivan
In Memory of Floris Sullivan
In Memory of Paul Tapley
In Memory of Robert Tapley
In Memory of Frank P. Tenney
In Memory of Adonna Thompson
In Memory of H. Milton Thornton
In Memory of Karlee Renee Thornton
In Memory of Thelma Thornton
In Memory of Cornell Thurlow
In Memory of Dean Tuttle
In Memory of Uncle Mac
In Memory of Joel Voisine
In Memory of Barbara Walker
In Memory of Frank Walker
In Memory of Walsh and Raynor Families
In Memory of Brandon Washburn
In Memory of Brandon Washburn
In Memory of Charlie Watson
In Memory of Mary Ann Watson
In Memory of Dan Watt
In Memory of Frances Weston
In Memory of Vance White
In Memory of Anne Williamson
In Memory of Jane Withee Hardy, RN
In Memory of Tom Witherly
In Memory of Colby Wood
In Memory of Debbie Wood
In Memory of Kay Wood
*List current as of 1/2/24.