Northern Light Women’s Health

Phone: 207-564-4466
Fax: 207-564-1283
Address: 891 W Main St
Suite 500
Dover-Foxcroft, ME 04426

Hours of Operation


8 am - 4:30 pm


8 am - 4:30 pm


8 am - 4:30 pm


8 am - 4:30 pm


8 am - 4:30 pm





Whether you are expecting a baby, need a well-woman exam, or are seeking more specialized care, Northern Light Women’s Health is here to provide you with the clinical and compassionate care you need with the convenience of a community practice. We take the time to get to know you, your lifestyle and your healthcare background, and we provide you with continuity of care from your first annual exam through your childbearing years and beyond.


Bringing a new life into the world can be one of the most exciting and enjoyable experiences in a woman’s lifetime. Whether you are trying to conceive or are already expecting, we’re here to guide you through your pregnancy and delivery. From the first “meet and greet” with Dr. Sutton and her team, to the day your baby arrives, you will receive an extraordinary amount of hands-on care as you take the amazing journey of pregnancy.  Northern Light Women’s Health provides remarkable service to ensure that your pregnancy is as special as the child you are bringing into the world.


  • Personalized Birth Plan

  • OB orientation, Lactation and Circumcision Consultation

  • Family-Centered OB Rooms, Celebration Dinner

  • Family-Centered C-section

  • Car Seat Program

The small-group practice environment at Northern Light Mayo Hospital allows you the opportunity to develop a close relationship with your obstetrician and lets us get to know you and the members of your growing family. To learn more about Northern Light Birthing, please visit our Birthing page.


Northern Light Women’s Health provides both routine exams and procedures. With a focus on patient communication and individualized care, Northern Light Women’s Health helps women of all ages lead healthier lives.

  • Adolescent care

  • Tumors

  • Menopause counseling

  • Pap smear evaluation and pelvic exams

  • Uro-gynecology care

  • HPV vaccinations

  • Sexually transmitted disease treatment and prevention

  • Hysterectomy

To schedule your appointment today, call 207-564-4466.