Frequently Asked Questions

To sign up for the patient portal, you just need a photo ID and an email address. If you don’t have an email address, we can help get you set up with one.
Please note: A photo ID is only needed for the patient portal, you do not need an ID to sign up for the Northern Light Pharmacy app.

We won’t sell your email address to anyone. We will use it to engage you in your healthcare including post visit surveys about your experience.

You can review your medical records, view lab and test results, request prescription renewals, receive reminders about your care, request to change an appointment, and securely email with your provider and healthcare team.

The patient portal is a quick, easy way to join your telehealth appointments and access many digital tools including self-scheduling for appointments.

Caregivers of children under age 12 can access their child’s entire medical record using the patient portal. Access to teenagers’ or another adults’ portal requires proxy access. Please reach out to your provider’s office or the patient service center at 1-833-217-9640 if you have any questions.  

Maine state law requires health systems to handle adolescent health information in a confidential matter. All teenagers are offered access to their health information using their Portal. Caregivers have limited access into their adolescent’s portal, including the ability to message the healthcare team.

Technical support is available at (833) 217-9640, Monday through Friday from 7:30 AM to 5 PM. If you have a question about your medical care or health information seen on myNorthernLighthealth, please contact your doctor’s office.

It’s our patient portal that will allow you to securely access your health information electronically.

It only takes a few minutes and I can help you do it before you leave.

We take the security of your information very seriously. We have many safeguards in place to protect your information. The only people who will have access to your information are the people you want to have it.