Man are elephants smart

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Whether you have a special connection with elephants or not, I can almost guarantee that however you feel right now, after two minutes with these elephants, you’re going to feel a lot better, even if you already were feeling pretty darn good. Get ready for an infusion of happiness right to the heart. 
Not only are elephants smart, but so is taking care of yourself.
Don’t forget about the resources available to all employees on the Employee Support Portal.* You would not believe the wealth of help in the form of self-care resources and guides, leadership support training, crisis management briefing sessions for staff, and critical incident de-briefing in addition to a full menu of live classes and sessions that include exercise and yoga, group support to talk about what this craziness is like, stress management, guided relaxation and breathing and my very own Catch Your Breath, a quick 10-minute or less guided meditation or visualization happening every Tuesday at 8:30 and Thursday at noon (which will change to Thursdays at 2 pm starting on Thursday, May 21). To find the live class and sessions click on the Group Support option** on the employee support portal menu.
May you mess around like an elephant for a little today,
Commentary: For some reason I can’t get over their legs. I think it’s because it’s the part of the elephant that most makes it seem like this is really a guy in an elephant suit.
*Employee Support Portal:
**Group Support live classes/sessions link: