What Type of Patient Are You?

As a patient, you’re the center of your healthcare experience. The way you view your female health needs and your relationship with your women’s health provider, like an OB/GYN, play a crucial role in the well-being of your body and mind — both now and in the future.

Take our quiz to determine what kind of patient you are — and how you can get the most out of your appointments.

How often do you see your women’s health provider?

If and when you do see your women’s health provider, how do you prepare for your appointment?

How would you describe your relationship with your women’s health provider?

How open are you with your women’s health provider?

You have a new female health concern, such as a change in vaginal discharge or a lump in your breast. What do you do?

Which of the following topics are you LEAST likely to bring up with your women’s health provider because you’re embarrassed or uncomfortable?

What is one question you wish your women’s health provider would ask you (because you don’t want to ask them)?

Prepared and Proactive

You know how to make the most of your appointments with your women’s health provider, and you’re willing to do what it takes to take care of your health. You’re honest with your provider, you come prepared with questions, and you don’t hesitate to reach out with concerns. These are all great steps toward prioritizing your body and mind!

At Northern Light Health, our women’s health providers are always here for you — no matter how small or embarrassing your question might seem. We strive to create a comfortable environment where you can ask questions, voice concerns, and understand your body. Make an appointment with one of our women’s health providers to put your health first.

Hesitant But Willing

You’re a little unsure about this whole women’s health thing, and that’s okay! Just going to your annual women’s health visits is a great first step. To take even more advantage of these appointments, make a list of concerns you have ahead of time, and remind yourself that no question is off the table.

At Northern Light Health, our women’s health providers are always here for you — no matter how small or embarrassing your question might seem. We strive to create a comfortable environment where you can ask questions, voice concerns, and understand your body. Make an appointment with one of our women’s health providers to put your health first.

A Touch Uncomfortable

You’re not completely sure how to be open with your women’s health provider just yet. However, even though women’s health appointments might feel overwhelming at first, they’re a crucial part of keeping your mind and body healthy now and in the future.

At Northern Light Health, our women’s health providers are always here for you — no matter how small or embarrassing your question might seem. We strive to create a comfortable environment where you can ask questions, voice concerns, and understand your body. Make an appointment with one of our women’s health providers to put your health first.

Absent and Avoidant

You haven’t seen your women’s health provider in a while, if ever. While avoiding these appointments can be tempting, it can do a lot of damage to your health now and in the future. Going to your annual women’s health visits and trying to be as open and honest as possible are both keys to taking care of your body and mind.

At Northern Light Health, our women’s health providers are always here for you — no matter how small or embarrassing your question might seem. We strive to create a comfortable environment where you can ask questions, voice concerns, and understand your body. Make an appointment with one of our women’s health providers to put your health first.