The veins that cause symptoms do not play an important role in transporting blood back to the heart; therefore, they can be closed off or removed without causing problems. In fact, removing them improves venous circulation.
Diagnosis is pain-free and is offered in our office. Treatment may begin with things you can do on your own under the direction of your doctor and progress to other options if necessary. Treatment options your healthcare provider may discuss with you include:
Elevating your legs when possible, keeping your feet positioned higher than heart level.
Exercising daily. Walking, climbing stairs, cycling and swimming keep your calf muscles in motion and improve circulation.
Moving your legs frequently by taking short walks.
Using compression hose. This provides pressure on your legs which can aid in blood flow to the heart.
Sclerotherapy, which involves injecting a solution into your legs to close smaller veins.
Laser or radiofrequency endovenous ablation, which heats the veins and results in their closure.
When other approaches are not effective, surgery is an option.
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