Prospecting For Grant Opportunities

The Northern Light Clinical Research Center assists investigators in identifying potential funding sources, and works with the Northern Light Community Health & Grants Office for grant prospecting.

The first step consists of completing an online Request for Assistance, after which one of the Clinical Research Center staff will contact the investigator. A meeting will be scheduled with Clinical Research Center staff to discuss the proposed research and to identify the need/problem addressed by the project, specific aims/goals, design of the study, its potential impact, and a description of the innovative aspect of the study. Frequently this requires a search of relevant current literature and several follow-up meetings, after which time a Concept Paper is prepared to assist the grant prospecting process.

As per Northern Light Health policy, Grant Submissions and Awards (13-000), an investigator is required to obtain authorization from his/her department head/ administrator/supervisor and from the appropriate Northern Light Health vice president before seeking external funding, by completing the Northern Light Health Request to Seek Grant & External Funding. The purpose is to ensure that the project aligns with the strategic plan and goals of the organization.

Once a funding opportunity is identified and a grant application is written, the investigator must obtain executive and fiscal authorization to submit the application, by completing the Northern Light Health Grant Proposal Submission Authorization Form.