March 17, 2022

Leading during a pandemic: Maine business leaders share their experience about leading through crisis and preparing for the future

If you want your employees and your customers focused on why they’re at your business, instead of on whether they’ll get sick, you’ll want to attend our series.

Our panels of experts will cover the topics and contingencies you need to prepare for to have your workforce present, engaged, and safe.

Topics will include:

  • Latest on COVID-19
  • Roundtable discussion
  • Plenty of time to ask your questions

Attendees are asked to join the conference by Zoom and listen to audio using your computer only. Please do not dial in while also connected via your computer. The dial-in number is for those not joining by computer. This will help accommodate a larger number of participants. See you Thursday!


March 17, 2022 - Resources and Downloadables

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