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Learn more about career positions with Northern Light Transport and Emergency Care
Possible Careers within Northern Light Transport
Emergency medical technicians (EMT) are skilled in patient assessment, airway management, CPR, automatic external defibrillation, oxygen delivery, dressings and hemorrhage control, splinting, spinal immobilization, childbirth, lifting and moving patients, and extrication. Our EMTs have the opportunity to use their skills in both a routine transport and emergent setting.
Advanced emergency medical technicians (AEMT) have the ground knowledge of our EMTs with additional skills, such as intravenous (IV) therapy, cardiac monitoring, advance airway placement, and IV medication administration. Our AEMTs use their skills in an emergent setting, as well as interfacility transports.
Paramedics are skilled in advanced airway management, 12 lead EKG interpretation, extensive patient assessment, and medication administration. Our medics use these skills in our emergent setting as well as more specialized paramedic interfacility transports (PIFT)
Wheelchair technicians assist individuals, who are often bound to a wheelchair, with transportation to and from medical appointments or other locations. This involves the safe loading and unloading the client and wheelchair via a wheelchair lift equipped van, securing the client and wheelchair with provided safety equipment, and operating the vehicle safely and efficiently.
Billing and coding specialists play a key role in the care experience of our patients by assisting with the appropriate medical coding for treatment as well as facilitating the interaction with insurance companies and other payors. They strive to ensure the patient’s billing experience is as easy and positive as possible.