WABI features "Mock" disaster collaboration with local school
Date: 05/17/2024

It was a disaster on the Northern Light Sebasticook Valley Hospital campus by the 167 Leighton Street Building on Thursday, May 16! Fortunately, it was a 'mock' disaster and all part of a training exercise for Maine Central Institute (MCI) students as part of their Intro to Medical Concepts class - a collaboration course between Sebasticook Valley Hospital and MCI designed to increase awareness about healthcare careers; provide job shadows with healthcare workers; develop skills in CPR, First Aid, stopping traumatic bleeding, blood pressure measurement, splinting; and to help students determine if a career in healthcare is right for them. The 14-week class had students job shadow hospital staff in Med-Surg, Peri-OP, Imaging, Ultrasound, Echocardiogram, Respiratory, Rehabilitation Services, and Cardiac Rehabilitation.
Watch the WABI coverage and read the article at
High schoolers prep for medical emergencies with “mock disaster” (wabi.tv).
If you have questions or for more information about how to start a collaborative healthcare career class with your high school and local hospital, please contact Laurie Alexander, Sebasticook Valley Hospital Health and Wellness Education coordinator, at 487.3890, press 4.