Mission and Vision
Our Mission is to provide you with up-to-date, high quality, compassionate and affordable healthcare.
Northern Light Mayo Hospital will be the first choice for healthcare, partnering for healthier communities, one person at a time.
Excellence: We will provide you with a high quality and positive patient experience that will exceed your expectations.
Compassion: Our staff will provide you and your family with a caring and supportive environment tailored to your individual needs.
Dignity: We will preserve your personal privacy and treat you and your family with respect.
Integrity: We will provide the right care at the right time in a reliable way.
Northern Light Mayo Hospital will be:
A regional center for comprehensive community health.
A source for health, healing, and education with an emphasis on wellness and health promotion.
A supportive partner with the professional and medical staff in pursuit of medical excellence.
An employer who appreciates employees as individuals and as valued resources within the organization and the community.
A cooperative change agent with other healthcare providers.
As the role of community hospitals change, Mayo Hospital remains committed to serving as a healthcare and civic leader, concerned employer, and good neighbor.
Northern Light Mayo Hospital will:
Continue to support the staff in improving the quality, efficiency, and friendliness of our hospital care.
Focus the knowledge, skills, and resources of our staff, physicians and partners to forge a strong and integrated community health system to serve the people in our region.
Pursue opportunities in the marketplace and through creative alliances to meet the health needs of our community.
Join with other providers to ensure that each patient and family is supported in a caring manner throughout the course of any illness.
Reach out to people in their homes and workplaces to help them understand and take responsibility for their own health and well being.
Take the lead in creating a more unified and friendly healthcare environment in our service area.