Lactation, Donor Milk, and Breastfeeding

Lactation support

Lactation support is available, in-person or virtually. Please call 207-553-6340 to set up an appointment. We also host an in-person breastfeeding support group every Friday. See below for more details.

Breastfeeding Support Group

This group provides an opportunity to meet other new moms, share your experiences, and exchange ideas. Our lactation consultants will be there to answer questions, provide infant weight checks, and observe feedings. We hope to see you there!

WHEN: Every Friday from 10 am to noon
Northern Light Mercy Hospital
175 Fore River Parkway
3rd Floor conference room
Portland, Maine

Donor milk

We support new mothers as they breastfeed their babies, but sometimes it’s necessary to provide a supplement. Donor milk can be that bridge until their milk supply is established.

The Birthplace offers Prolacta Pasteurized Donor Human Milk to supplement mother’s own milk during infant feeding. Pasteurized donor milk provides excellent immunological and nutritional benefits when compared to formula.

Click here for information on Daddy Boot Camp.

Click here if you are interested in having your Car Seat Inspected.
Click here to view Safety information for babies and children.