Melissa Skahan
Vice President, Mission Integration and Support Services of Northern Light Mercy Hospital
Melissa Skahan, MA is the Vice President, Mission Integration and Support Services of Northern Light Mercy Hospital. Melissa is responsible for advancing strategy for vulnerable populations in Greater Portland and promoting Mercy’s mission, vision, and values throughout the organization. Ms. Skahan also is responsible for behavioral health, support services, workforce development, communication and marketing, community health, patient experience, ethics, spiritual care, patient advocacy, Gary’s House, McAuley Residence, and Mercy’s volunteer program. Ms. Skahan serves on Milestone Recovery’s Board of Directors and the United Way of Greater Portland’s Strategic Council. She has her Masters in Organization Development and has studied Ethics at the post-graduate level.
Melissa embraces fully the notion of servant leadership. Whether patient, family, or colleague, she views each encounter as an opportunity.
Melissa’s leadership efforts with the opioid crisis are seen through her direct involvement as the executive director of McAuley Residence and facilitates the Greater Portland Addiction Collaborative (GPAC). Ms. Skahan serves on Milestone Recovery’s Board of Directors and the United Way of Greater Portland’s Strategic Council. She has her Masters in Organization Development and has studied Ethics at the post-graduate level.
Prior to joining Northern Light Health, Melissa worked as a public-school administrator and enjoyed spending time with her three daughters and husband, Pat.
She has her Masters in Organization Development with Leadership concentration and has studied Ethics at the post-graduate level.
Melissa became Vice President, Mission Integration and Support Services of Northern Light Mercy Hospital in 2010.
Favorite Quote
“Here is what we seek: a compassion that can stand in awe at what the poor have to carry rather than stand in judgment at how they carry it.”
― Gregory Boyle, Tattoos on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion