Do you, or a loved one, live alone or is left alone for extended periods by a caregiver? Having functional limitations performing activities of daily living such as showering and toileting? How about a history of falls or is physically frail? We can help.
LiveSAFE provides peace of mind for you and your family. LiveSAFE is a home-based personal emergency response service staffed by Maine professionals within our healthcare system. A touch of the LiveSAFE alert button provides immediate 24/7 access to trained staff and a quick response to any emergency - you or your family are never alone when you need help. For about a dollar a day, you get peace of mind and security.
You're not required to pay an installation fee, buy any equipment, or make a long-term commitment. LiveSAFE Personal Emergency Response Service provides peace of mind for you and your family. It has an easy, one-touch button (no-touch option with fall detection/not worn, no movement technology available) alert system that ensures a quick response to any emergency.
LiveSAFE personal emergency response is not just for medical emergencies. The service is ideal for a variety of people including seniors, adults and children with disabilities, and those with short-term needs. The LiveSAFE alert button allows you to answer the telephone without having to rush and risk falling, as well as summon help from the police or fire department. LiveSAFE medical alert services are based in Maine and are coordinated by staff at Northern Light Health facilities. We proudly serve the communities in Aroostook, Hancock, Kennebec, Knox, Lincoln, Penobscot, Sagadahoc, and Waldo Counties.