Annual Schoodic Scramble tees off September 7
Date: 08/09/2024
The twenty-sixth annual Schoodic Scramble charity golf event will be held on Saturday, September 7, 2024, at the Grindstone Neck Golf Course in Winter Harbor. Participants will enjoy 18 holes of golf on one of the prettiest courses in Maine including continental breakfast, lobster stew, ice cream sundaes, wine and cheese, fantastic prizes, and commemorative tournament gear.
Since 1998 the Schoodic Scramble has been a tradition at the Grindstone Neck Golf Course benefiting the Eleanor Widener Dixon Memorial Clinic in Gouldsboro. Part of Northern Light Health, the clinic was established in 1962 as a strategic initiative to bring healthcare to our more rural populations. In 26 years, participants and sponsors have helped us raise the funds necessary to support clinic operations, equipment needs, and facility upgrades necessary to ensure we continue to provide high quality healthcare, close to home.
Thank you to our presenting sponsors of the Schoodic Scramble, The Dixon Family and Vicki and Alan Goldstein. This year’s scramble will be in memory of Edith Robb Dixon and Alita Davis Reed who were dedicated patrons of the event. A special thanks to The Grindstone Association for their support and donation of the use of the golf course.
Community members not golfing are invited to attend and participate in the silent auction, enjoy some tasty lobster stew, indulge in ice cream sundaes, and cheer on the teams in the chipping contest all while taking in breathtaking ocean views. To become an event sponsor, further information about volunteering, participate as a golfer, or to make a direct gift to the EWD Clinic visit
Schoodic Scramble - Northern Light Health or call Sarah Joy at 207-664-5365 or email