Northern Light Infusion Care offers a range of services to meet the individual needs of our patients. Our team works closely with you and your provider to deliver personalized care in a quiet, comfortable setting.
We provide infusion and injection services for a variety of specialties noted below. We have other therapies not listed here that are available. Please call us to discuss your needs.
Rheumatology: Rituxan, Remicade, Benlysta, Orencia, Entyvio, Simponi Aria
Osteoporosis: Reclast, Prolia, Evenity, Boniva, Xgeva
Neurology: Tysabri, Immune globulin, Ocrevus
Hematology/Oncology: Iron Sucrose, Iron Dextran, Iron Feraheme, Injectafer, Aranesp, blood transfusions, oncology supportive care
Therapeutic Phlebotomy
Antibiotic therapy
Central line maintenance: Routine port flushes, lab draws, PICC line dressing changes
IV hydration
COVID-19 therapies
Rabies vaccine series
Pulmonology: Prolastin-C
Myasthenia gravis
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need a provider referral for services?
Yes. In addition, we will work with you and your insurance company to get prior authorization before scheduling. Please contact us at 861.3350 if you need specific information for a referral.
Who can order services at Northern Light Infusion Care?
Anyone who is a Maine licensed provider may order services at our clinic.
What can I expect during my infusion?
We have comfortable recliners, TV, and free wifi. We have a variety of beverages available. You are welcome to bring snacks with you or have a family member or friend get something for you at the Inland cafeteria.
How long will I be there?
Every treatment is different. Feel free to contact us at 861.3350, and we can let you know approximately how long your appointment will take.
Infusion Care is open Monday through Friday, 8 am to 4:30 pm by appointment. Extended hours can be arranged to meet individuals' needs, including weekends. Please call our office at 861.3350 to arrange an appointment or if you have questions about certain infusion services.