Hospice Eligibility
About Hospice & End of Life:
Hospice provides a holistic approach to caring for those with a terminal illness and life expectancy of 6 months or less. The goal of hospice is not to cure illness or hasten death, but to alleviate pain, control symptoms and provide spiritual, social and emotional support. The care is delivered by a team of expertly trained individuals including physicians, nurses, hospice aides, social workers, volunteers, chaplains and bereavement counselors. A comprehensive plan of care consistent with patient’s goals and wishes is established. Hospice provides care for the patient and support for the family. Hospice services are covered by Medicare and most insurance providers. Hospice can be provided anywhere the patient resides.
Services Include:
- All medications, medical equipment and supplies related to the terminal illness
- Physician services to provide Pain and symptom management
- Nursing, Therapy and home health aides
- Support through social workers and chaplains
- Volunteer services to provide companionship
- Bereavement services up to 13 months after a loss
Hospice Eligibility:
To be eligible to elect Hospice Care, an individual must fall under these requirements:
- The patient must be certified as being terminally ill, with a probable life expectancy of six (6) months or less.
- The patient's attending physician and the Hospice Medical Director certify that the patient has a probable life expectancy of six (6) months or less
- The patient/family understands the hospice concept of care as being comfort care, not curative in its goals.
- The patient/family understands that the Hospice concept of care requires the active participation of the family acting as the primary caregivers with guidance from the Hospice Interdisciplinary Team.
- The patient/family understands that Hospice retains responsibility for determining the appropriate location for treatment. Patient/families admitted to the Hospice program are provided care wherever they reside…at home, in an assisted living facility, long-term care facility, hospital, etc.
Click here to view “Guideliness For Determining Hospice Appropriateness”
If you have patients who would benefit from hospice care, please contact Northern Light Central Intake by calling 866-591-8843. Fax: 207-400-8894 or 207-400-8895.