For Visiting Family and Friends
Spending time with your loved one is critical to their healing and support. Currently, we welcome two visitors (age 12 and above) for all inpatient, emergency department and ambulatory surgery patients between the hours of 8 am and 8 pm. Special circumstances may be granted for pediatric or end of life patients. Child siblings are welcome to visit with parents if clinical care allows.
Patient pets can visit if the pet is vaccinated, well-mannered, and the patient hospital stay is greater than 10 days or end of life and approval is granted by the unit.
Please work with your clinical charge nurse or nurse leader for any discussion of visitation exceptions.
Please be aware that patients have a right to request a restricted status. If a patient makes this request, Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center may not confirm the patient's presence in our facility, or accept mail, flowers, or phone calls on his or her behalf.
For many of our patients and their families, access to quality healthcare begins the moment they arrive at our hospital. We know that offering hassle-free parking is an important step in providing the very good care our communities deserve.
Parking Garage and Surface Parking
The Medical Center’s parking garage offers over 450 parking spaces for patients and visitor use. The parking garage can be accessed off State Street or Deborah Carey Johnson Drive. There are handicap spaces located on each level of the garage and in the adjacent surface lot.
Emergency Department patient parking is located on the ground level of the parking garage and can be accessed via the Emergency Department Entrance, off State Street.
Webber Parking Lot is a surface parking lot that can be accessed off Deborah Carey Johnson Drive.
Park & Ride
The Medical Center offers free Park & Ride service between the Webber Parking Lot and the Penobscot Pavilion Main Entrance and the Webber Building. Those choosing to use this service should proceed to the shuttle shelter located in the Webber Parking Lot. This service is available Monday through Friday 5 am to 5 pm, excluding holidays.
Patient Drop Off and Pick-Up
There are dedicated lanes for those being dropped off or picked up at the Penobscot Pavilion Main Entrance. Vehicles may not be left unattended in this area due to fire regulations.
Directions and Assistance
As patients and visitors enter the Penobscot Pavilion Main Entrance Patient Experience Representatives and other staff will be available to assist in directing guests to their destination.
Deliveries for your Loved One
We understand providing comfort for patients while in the hospital is sometimes the only way our loved ones feel helpful. Our gift shop offers an array of gifts and flowers that support a healing environment, those that are quiet, non-fragrant and latex-free. Flowers and plants are not allowed in critical care areas. These include the Cardiac Care Unit (CCU), Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), and Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU). Flowers and plants are not allowed in any room occupied by a person with a compromised immune system.
EMMC does not offer delivery service for food items or mail order. Patients are encouraged to adhere to their clinical diet and food deliveries will not be presented to the patients under any circumstances.
Personal items or gifts are encouraged to be brought home by a loved one to ensure they are not lost or misplaced while in the hospital.
In all other areas of the hospital, we discourage fragrant flowers and plants such as lilies and hyacinth.
Patient Experience and Relations
The Patient Experience and Relations department is here to help families if there are unresolved questions or care complaints.
If you have concerns that our patient care staff is unable to address, please call Patient Relations at 973-8110. The office is open from 8:00 am until 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday. If you have an urgent concern during non-business hours, please let a member of the patient's care team know.