Choosing the surgical weight loss program that is right for you is important. When comparing surgical weight loss programs, considerations should be given to the care you will receive in the hospital directly after your weight loss surgery.
The care and support you receive from our nursing staff within the first hours after your surgery can help jumpstart your success with surgical weight loss. All of the nurses and nurse technicians on the floor you will be staying on after surgery are specially trained, competent, and well versed in the care and needs of surgical weight loss patients. Each year, staff members complete special training in order to ensure they understand best practice recommendations for the care of patients who have undergone bariatric surgery.
Key points to consider about your stay with us
On average, patients with us for one night after surgery.
You will be wearing oxygen for the first night with us and then oxygen will be adjusted to your needs until off.
Pain control is our top priority for you. You will receive intravenous pain control on the day of surgery and this will transition to oral pain medications on post-op day 1-2.
You will start your diet with sips of water taken from a 1-ounce medicine cup. By the day of discharge you will have a full-liquid, high protein drink before discharge.
You will be expected to walk loops around the nursing unit. This will happen once you get to the unit. It is a key way to prevent serious surgical complications.
We rarely use specialized bariatric beds for our patients as our hospital beds are weight-rated for 500 lbs for safety. If we have a patient who weighs more than that we obtain this bariatric bed that is safe for weights of 750 lbs.
Guests: Every patient has the right to have one support person stay with them at their bedside during their hospital stay, if you so desire.
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