Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehab

Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Cardiac rehabilitation, also called cardiac rehab, is a customized outpatient program of exercise and education. Cardiac rehabilitation is designed to help you improve your health and help you recover from a heart attack, other forms of heart disease, or surgery to treat heart disease. It often involves exercise training, emotional support, and education about lifestyle changes to reduce your heart disease risk, such as eating a heart-healthy diet, keeping a healthy weight, and quitting smoking.

Research has found that cardiac rehabilitation programs can reduce your risk of death from heart disease and reduce your risk of future heart problems. The American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology recommend cardiac rehabilitation programs.

Despite advances in modern medicine, heart disease is the number one killer in America. If you or a lovedAACVPR Certified one have had a recent cardiac event or diagnosis, the best way to recuperate is through a rehabilitation program that combines monitored exercise and healthy lifestyle education programming. Northern Light Cardiac Rehabilitation can provide you with the support you need for a successful recovery and a life of healthy living.

People who attend rehab have:
  • a 20-30% lower death rate than cardiac event survivors who didn’t participate in rehab
  • a reduced rate of having a second, non-fatal heart attack
  • reduced hospitalizations and use of medical resources
  • reduced symptoms such as angina, shortness of breath, and fatigue
  • increased exercise performance
  • increased knowledge about cardiac disease and its management
  • improved health related quality of life

Our cardiac rehab team of nurses, dieticians, and exercise physiologists are specially trained to work with cardiovascular patients. Heart monitors and frequent blood pressure checks help our staff to closely supervise you to assure your safety.

We are proud to be fully accredited in cardiac rehabilitation by the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR).

Learn first-hand from others how cardiac rehab may be able to help you:

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Pulmonary rehabilitation is an outpatient program for people with chronic lung conditions who are symptomatic and find it hard to perform daily living activities.
AACVPR Certified
Program benefits include:
  • Reduces the likelihood for readmission to the hospital
  • Improves your health-related quality of life
  • Reduces shortness of breath
  • Improves your level of physical fitness
  • Provides support in a fun, caring environment
Referrals to our Pulmonary Rehab program may be made by speaking with your primary care provider or your pulmonologist.

Pulmonary Rehabilitation, also may be called Pulmonary Rehab, is a customized outpatient program involving prescribed exercise, diet intervention, and education regarding lung disease. The purpose of Pulmonary Rehab is to help improve your overall health and help manage your lung disease symptoms. Education classes regarding lung disease include how to manage your diet, breathing techniques, quitting smoking, medication overview, and more.

For the first six sessions at Pulmonary Rehab patients will be monitored with a heart telemetry device in order to get a baseline of vitals during exercise. Patients will also be monitored with a pulse oximeter to establish oxygen saturation levels while exercising.

For some patients, the social interaction and sense of community is the vital point of coming to rehab. Health professionals, such as exercise physiologists, registered nurses, and registered dietitians, are here to explain what has happened to their body when living with lung disease to help create a sound mind and relieve stress. Patients are also kept accountable by health professionals for taking control of their health while being coached along the way.
Patients who complete a Pulmonary Rehab program will have:
  • Improved quality of life
  • Increased physical activity
  • Reduced COPD symptoms
  • Exercise, nutrition, and education counseling on how to manage symptoms
  • 90% of patients have less hospital visits
  • Improved emotional health 

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To particpate in our Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehab Program, you will need a referral from your primary care provider or cardiologist/pulmonologist. The good news: most cardiac diagnoses are covered!

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