Jacquelyn A. Cyr, RN, MSN, NPC

Jacquelyn A. Cyr is the Director of Substance Use Services at Northern Light Acadia Hospital She began working at Northern light Acadia Hospital in 1998. With a background in emergency medicine, she was initially hired to work in ECT. Since that time, she has worked within several other service areas, in Education and primary care, and has served as Hepatitis-C nurse practitioner and has held various administrative positions since 2014 when she began working with the substance use service.

Jackie is a clinical leader and speaker on topics surrounding substance use disorder and addiction. She is a staunch advocate for those who struggle with addictions and is widely recognized in and around the system for her clinical wisdom. 

Jackie serves on the Opioid Advisory Council for the state of Maine, is a member of the Bangor Area Clinical Substance Use Workgroup, TARA ECHO participant and presenter, Preventative Prescription Drug/Opioid Overdose-Related Death (PDO), and a member of the Institute for Health Improvement Leadership Alliance.

Jackie’s role was born out of the overwhelming need for accessible quality patient-centered care for those struggling with substance use disorders and addictions. She approaches her work from a biopsychosocial, spiritual perspective.

Jackie holds a Master's of Science degree in Nursing from Hudson University and is certified as a Family Nurse Practitioner.

In her spare time, Jackie most likely has headed for the hills or the ocean. She enjoys spending time with her family and dogs camping, side by side adventures, and photography.