Brent Scobie, PhD, LCSW

Brent Scobie, Ph.D., LCSW serves as Northern Light Acadia Hospital’s Vice President of Clinician Services and Quality. He earned his master’s and doctoral degrees in social work from the University of Maine where he has been a part-time faculty member since 2012.

His areas of expertise include data analytics and quality, federal and state substance abuse and mental health licensing regulations, and ASAM placement criteria. As a practicing clinician he has advanced training in Motivational Interviewing, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy including cognitive restructuring, behavioral activation, prolonged exposure therapy, and CBT for insomnia and chronic pain.

He has participated as a field reviewer for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s Treatment Improvement Protocol on Medication Assisted Treatment and recently published a scholarly article along with his colleagues presenting a statistical model for predicting 30-day adult psychiatric readmissions. His research interests include disability studies and the applications and impact of communication technology on social work practice and health.